Heyyyy welcome to LEGOWELT.ORG running in a dusty corner of cyberspace since the 19999900000s OUT NOW ON BANDCAMP: NIGHTWIND RECORDS NW049 SMACKOS & DIM GARDEN 'The ART OF DX7' album check out below for more info!!!!!!!! ****** Next gig is in MECHELEN BELGIUM more info in the agenda section !!!!!!!!! ok laterzzzzzzzz *********************************************


This weekend:

15 November Antwerpen Belgium HET BOS with CEEPHAX ACID CREW!!!!

16 November Bucharest Rumania CONTROL CLUB !!!

7 November 2024

Legowelt in Barcelona

This Friday 8 November Legowelt Live in Barcelona 
at the Enfants Brilliants High Fidelity club

Tickets and info here


5 November 2024

oUT NoW !!!!!!!

the new album on Clone records



Woooooo Officially out today 🙂

on 3xLP Vinyl &  digital & soon streaming on all platforms

Sound bytes and order at CLONE records

and should also be available worldwide at any good recordstore


3 November 2024


A big in depth interview in the german language, on amazona.de (not to be confused with amazon ;p, amazona.de is an established german music / gear magazine website) 

Sie können es hier lessen

You can probably use google chrome web or whatever translate to translate it into english, and its ofcourse also already worth a visit just for the pictures made by Dim Garden 🙂

31 October 2024

Cosmosis Compilation

a VA compilation on the Portugese Secrets of Sound label with a track from me called ‘Nebia Vera Pelliccia’. Also David Lynch’s new Twin Peaks composer Dean Hurley, Montreal composer RAMZi , Johnny Jewel, Lord of the Isles, Pye Corner Audio  and Tim Solver. Digital and vinyl available now. Listen and buy / order on bandcamp or any good recordstore.

30 October 2024


Wooo I made a videoclip for the song ‘In a Blaze of Fame’ from my new upcoming album on Clone records called ‘A FIELD GUIDE TO THE VOID’ – check below for snippets and more info! oldschool handdrawn animation no dumb AI shit 😉 in this video we follow our cult heroes Wombald & Slorpy as they drive around in their Opel Manta, philosophize exiiistentialist dread and sneak into a festival were they have all sorts of wild adventures!!!

pre order the 3xLP vinyl album at clone records or at your local recordstore. Should be available worldwide at every good recordstore in November. Available in classic black vinyl or blue marble vinyl.

5 October 2024

Coming soon:


I am excited to announce my big new 3xLP Album on CLONE records coming early November 🙂

Lots of electro and other stuff featuring never before released songs from the past few years like Satyricon Pandemonium, Taping a Broken Heart, Come and See your Misery, In A Blaze of Fame and many more!

You can pre order the album at Clone records already
Available in Limited Blue Marble 3xLP and normal black 3XLP!

Also available on Bancamp for pre-order\


In a Blaze of Fame

Come and See Your Misery

Tears from a Manta

Ritmo SIniestro Embrujado

Satyricon Pandemonium

Racefietsen in de Polder

Ghost Stories from a New House

A Vast Comfortless Universe

North Rhein Westphalia Theme

A Million Exoplanets Without DJs

I got Lost in the Tool Shed

Ethics Synths and Morality

29 September 2024

Legowelt in Scotland and England

woooooooo I have 2 Gigs on the British isles:

12  October I return to the legendary La Cheetah club in Glasgow Scotland
more info and tickets here!!!


13 October a cool synth festival called Machina Bristronica in Bristol England
run by the legendary Elevator Sound synth store

with Surgeon, Anthony Rother, DMX Krew,, Look Mum No Computer, Hainbach , Hinako Omori and many many more 🙂
more info here!

25 September 2024

Hermit in a Rave Cave III

Officially out this week on Clone records part III of my Hermit in a Rave Cave  series
Raw lo-fi energy for the dancefloor these are mostly tracks that

come straight out of the more rawer parts of the Legowelt live sets. With anthems such as ‘Secret Magic of Italo’ ‘I Framed Joey Beltrams Mullet’ and ‘My ghost producer wants to Unionize’. Get it at the Clone recordstore or any good store around the worldAlso available digitally on the usual sources.


Legowelt at Paard The Hague

28 September Legowelt DJ Club night with me and Alberta Balsam and Andeweg at Paard The Hague Holland!!!

Tickets and info here