OUT NOW: LEGOWELT - NETHERWORLD SONOMOSIS EP check below for more info :) !!!!!!!! NEXT GIG: 22 FEBRUARI SOUP KITCHEN MANCHESTER for more gigs check out the Agenda Section ! *********** Ok that's it for today Laterzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!

Novation Summit Synth Stuff

We welcome the Novation SUMMIT synthesizer to our studio – The SUMMIT AKA The Twin Peaks, AKA the Oxford Toblerone AKA The British Jupiheim is an EXTREME sophisticated synthesizer – Here are some pix and MP3 sound snippets for all the synth lovers, just going through some of the patches with arpeggios, pads, amateur space jazz riffs and uplifting drones, all straight from the Summit no external FX:

Novation Summit 1

Some sweet jazzy synth plucks, succulent arpeggios, synthesized choirs etc.

Novation Summit 2

Strings with multimode filter, mucking about with the knobs using the delay at maximum setting as a looper

Novation Summit 3

Almost SID like PWM with dreamy polysynth and a brief selection of some patches

Download the MP3s as a ZIP file (79.2 Megabytez)

Some more hot pix:



The Summit is the brainchild of veteran synth designer Chris Hugget who invented some mythical synths such as the Electronic Dream Plant WASP and the Oxford Synthesizer Company OSCar. Here is a cool pic of him from the 1980s: