OUT NOW: LEGOWELT - NETHERWORLD SONOMOSIS EP check below for more info :) !!!!!!!! NEXT GIG: 22 FEBRUARI SOUP KITCHEN MANCHESTER for more gigs check out the Agenda Section ! *********** Ok that's it for today Laterzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!

18 March


For all producers, musicians and freaks both amateur and professional -> Here is a new fresh sample pack with 300+ 16 bit wav samples from the QUASIMIDI SIRIUS, a fun German digital synthesizer from 1998. The sample pack is free and you can use it for whatever you want. Load them up in your Ableton, Fruityloops, Octamed, Tracker, MPC, Electribe, Electron whatever you use. I put everything in folders this time : Drums (with Basedrums, Snaredrums, Hats and percussion) Synth sounds & Pads folders.

A track made with the QuasiMIDI Sirius (except the voice sample ofcourse):

Soundwise the SIRIUS reminds us of a hybrid between a Sequential Prophet VS and Waldorf Q, It definitely has some characteristic ‘ironclad’ body in its sounds with the usual ‘warm’ digital artefacts going about.  Its the de facto keyboard version of the Rave-O-Lution 309 groovebox so there are lots and lots of drumsounds – enough kicks, snaredrums and hihats for years. The synthesis engine is not too exciting: 1 oscillator with 100 or so digital waveforms going though a 12/24 lowpass or a highpass filter. Two envelope generators for the filter and Amplifier, 1 LFO assignable to some stuff…all very simple but the SIRIUS has enough character to hold its own…its a bit weird and different…..It also looks reaallly &&&&&**$ cool. If you want to know more about this synth check the wikipedia article and there is the legendary WC OLO GARB webpage and movies playing this synth

This QUASIMIDI SIRIUS was in the closet for some time here because I thought it was broken. When I turned it on the sounds were very quiet and digital grainy noise was all over the place. In the end this was all very easy to fix by just doing a factory reset!  (Hold write when turning it on) The SIRIUS was blasting its waves loud and clear again!

A lot of people always ask me if they can use the samples in their productions that are going to be released – the answer is ofcourse YES ! Thats why I make them..I know many artists use these samples in all kinds of music styles and that makes me happy. if you make a million$$$$$ hit with the samples you can always send me a bit 😉 What I don’t want are people SELLING the samples themselves, unfortunately some lame tool from the USA did that last year – the samples are free and should remain so. Also when you link/share the samples use this page link (http://legowelt.org/legowelt-quasimidi-sirius-sample-pack/) so people see my website too, and don’t link directly to the wetransfer link (also that wetransfer link adress changes sometimes so you might end up with a not found link)

DOWNLOAD SAMPLE PACK HERE (120,1 Megabytezzzzzzzzzzz)

I hope this takes your mind off a bit in the current world situation…I will try to update the website with new stuff for you a bit more in these times – sending extra NRG to all nurses, doctors, medical workers, cleaners, postpeople, public transport workers, grocery supermarket workers, people that mantain our infrastructure and everyone that needs it!!!!!!! take care and we WILL PERSEVERE!