OUT NOW: LEGOWELT - NETHERWORLD SONOMOSIS EP check below for more info :) !!!!!!!! NEXT GIG: 22 FEBRUARI SOUP KITCHEN MANCHESTER for more gigs check out the Agenda Section ! *********** Ok that's it for today Laterzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!

Synthstuff Kimball Parlor Organ

A reed organ/Harmonium from the late 19th century build by the Kimball company from Chicago.

A beautifull Victorian era wood crafted instrument with an arcane haunting sound. The creaking wood reminds us of an old wooden ship, adding an extra seafaring dimension to an already nautical sounding instrument.

Pure victiorian awesomeness – I would almost become a steampunk for it.

You pump air into the organ with your feet, control the volume with your knees and ‘program’ a sound by pulling the register tabs. From high pitched almost accordeon sounds to deep rumbling everlasting drones.

It was used intensively on the Zandvoort & Uilenbal ‘Geruis Uit Somberdorp’ album.

Zandvoort & Uilenbal Harmonium


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