OUT NOW: LEGOWELT - NETHERWORLD SONOMOSIS EP check below for more info :) !!!!!!!! NEXT GIG: 22 FEBRUARI SOUP KITCHEN MANCHESTER for more gigs check out the Agenda Section ! *********** Ok that's it for today Laterzzzzzzzzzz !!!!!!!!!

Synthstuff Crumar Bit 99

Made in Italy in the mid 80s its a chunky sounding double oscillator analog polysynth. Difficult to place or compare with anything else from that time its definitely a little bit ahead of its competition.  Its slow with the envelopes making it good for brassy sounds. The BIT 99 has a rather vexatious interface, nevertheless – its obscure sloppy character and unruffled design still make the BIT 99 a joyfull experience to work with.

Check out some sounds from the BIT99:

Jamming with the BIT99

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