SoCiEtIeS ArCh NeMeSiS CyBeRpUnK E-ZiNe Issue #3

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           |            \       /           |
          /              \     /             \
.        /                \   /               \   .
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          /     ______            _____    \     .
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     O R D E R   O F   T H E  S H A D O W  W O L F

                       ISSUE # 3

     T H E   N O R T H   S E A   I N S T I T U T E 
                    F O R  T H E

                   O V E R M I N D
                   O V E R M I N D
                   O V E R M I N D
                   O V E R M I N D
                   O V E R M I N D

Welcome to ISSUE 3 of The Order Of THE SHADOW WOLF Cyberzine.
*** December 2015 ***
Occult Home Experiments - Synthesizer stuff - D.I.Y projects -
West Coast Electro Scene News - Movie Tips - Obsolete Computers
and much more!!!

In This Issue:

  . . . . . Conduct your own Ganzfeld Experiment
  . . . . . Color Psychology

  . . . . . Nightwind Records News

  . . . . . Build Your Own Analog Spring Reverb for 5$ or less

  . . . . . A Case For The CDR Format

  . . . . . Master Control Class An Interview with DJ Overdose

  . . . . . Japan's Ancient Circuits

  . . . . . ASCII Art Gallery

  . . . . . Exotic Scales

  . . . . . An Experiment With Time

  . . . . . Set Up Your Local Synthesizer Club
  . . . . . Hot Studio Tips

  . . . . . Essential Trip Music

  . . . . . Mysteries of Short Wave Synthesis

  . . . . . Oberheim Matrix 1000 Patches

  . . . . . Video Advice Cool Movie Tips

  . . . . . Baz Reznik's Travel Journal

  . . . . . Pulsars of Poetry

  . . . . . Argos The Sorcerer Druid

  . . . . . Shadow Wolf Space Time DJ Mix Tracklist

  . . . . . Smackos Tape Station FX User Guide

  . . . . . More ASCII Art
  . . . . . Cosmo Pie Self Hypnosis


Conduct your own
                        __      _     _              
  __ _  __ _ _ __  ____/ _| ___| | __| |             
 / _` |/ _` | '_ \|_  / |_ / _ \ |/ _` |            
| (_| | (_| | | | |/ /|  _|  __/ | (_| |             
 \__, |\__,_|_| |_/___|_|  \___|_|\__,_|             
  _____  ___ __   ___ _ __(_)_ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_
 / _ \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \ '__| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|

|  __/>  <| |_) |  __/ |  | | | | | | |  __/ | | | |_
 \___/_/\_\ .__/ \___|_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|
    .      .        .        .       .         .             .
       .              .    .     .          .       .   .         .

   .         .  .        .     .         .       .     .    .   .
        .          .        .       .         .     .          .

      .   .   .       .    .   .    ________     .        .       .
    .                 _______      /        \      .  .       .

       .     .    .  | o o o |    | o o o o  |
                     | o o o | /\ | o o o o  | /\ /\  /\   /\  /\
    /\    /\ /\/\  /\  /\ /\ |/  \/\/\o o o /\/  \  \/  \/\  \/  \
   /  \  /  \  \ \/  \/  \  \/    \ \ \ o o/  \   \  \   \ \  \   \
  /____\/____\__\_\___\___\__\_____\_\_\o /    \   \  \   \ \  \   \
    ||    || ||||  ||  || ||   ||  | |___/______\___\__\___\_\__\___\
                                            || || ||  || || |  || 

Trip out for just the price of 2 Ping Pong balls!
Or an interesting past time when you got too much time on your hands, it
beats watching TV anyways.

Ganzfeld means "whole field" in the german language and is a method to
realize a state of sensoral deprevation. It is acquired by having a
complete uniform visual field before the eyes and a uniform constant
sound playing on the background for a certain time.
It is most often done with 2 ping pong ball halves that cover the eyes,
a red light and a white noise sound source.

What happens in the Ganzfeld experiment?
If you glare into a featureless field of vision, a total emptyness,
your brain just starts to make up stuff after a while. The higher visual
cortex tries to search for something that isn't there and will, simply said,
shut off your vision.
The only thing left to interpetate for the higher visual cortex is NEURONAL
NOISE, scattered random electric fluctuations occuring in the neural pathways.
This usually occurs below the treshold of neuro action potential (Action
Potential is like the minimum voltage that has to occur across the nerve
fibre for some activity to occur). This is what apparently creates

The Ganzfeld effect has been known since the dawn of man, it is speculated
by some that the images of prehistoric cave paintings were depictions of
ganzfeld induced hallucinations due to sensory deprevation deep inside the

Somewhere in the 1974 Charles Honorton was researching extra sensortial
powers and dreams at the Maimonides Medical Centre in New York.
In his experiments Test subjects were exposed to the Ganzfeld method
to get them into a state of sensory deprevation. As there was no information
to be processed for the brain it was believed that they could use their entire
mental power on psychokinesis. The test subjects in the ganzfeld state would
have to do certain telephatic and psychokinetic experiments.
Though Honorton claimed to have found proof for the existence of PSI in these
experiments it has never been repeated by any other studies and we should
take it with a littlebit of scepticism.

PSI powers or not,you can still trip out there is no scientific debate about

What you need:

- 2 Ping pong balls (if there is no logo on it one will do too)

- A white noise source (synthesizer, meditation sleep noise on youtube even
  a radio will do tuned on a calm unfluctuating frequency of white noise)

- A pillow and fitness/yoga mat, a bed or couch will do fine too.
  A red light source, you can put a red transparent plastic sheet before a
  lamp or use a bright red screen.

- 4 Pieces of tape to attach the pingpong balls to your eyes on the sides

Cut the ping pong balls in half, make sure you end up with 2 halves withouth any
pingpong ball company logo on it. Use a sharp knife or something, don't cut
your fingers off.

          / \
       _________          ____     ____
      /         \        /    |   |    \

     /     |     \      /     |   |     \
     |           |      |     |   |     | <---- pingpong ball
     |           |      |     |   |     |

     \     |     /      \     |   |     /

      \_________/        \____|   |____/
Put the two pingpong ball halves over your eyes, use some tape on the
sides so they stay put. Do not cover the ping pong balls with tape, its
vital the field of vision has only the white of the ping pong ball.

Lie down in a darkened room with only a red light source and nothing else.
Play the white noise in the background (You can also use headphones, it might
even be more effective). Keep your eyes open. After a while (15 - 20 minutes)
you will start to trip out.

       /    /     /    ==   \    \   \   \    \     ......
      |                ==                      \  .......   __
      |    |     |    /  \             |  |     |   .......|  \_
       \    \     \   \__/   /    /   /  /   |       ......|   _|
        \    \     \        /    /   /      /     .......  |__/
                                       /      /    .......
           \      \    ___  /    /    /

     @@@@_/  \_/|__     _________________                       /|
     @@@@ \__/   | |___/  ___________ ___|---------------------/ |
     @@@@  |          |              | _ \                     | |
     @@@@@@@@@________|______________|  \/_____________________|_|  
    .----------------. .==========================================.

Experiment with different light colors and see what happens
Try different noise sources, pink noise or seashore recordings etc.
Try Stroboscopic lights with different frequencies.
Try telephatic experiments, send information through PSI to other people,
use your brain in strange ways.


  ___ ___ | | ___  _ __                 
 / __/ _ \| |/ _ \| '__|                             
| (_| (_) | | (_) | |                                
                      _           _                  
 _ __  ___ _   _  ___| |__   ___ | | ___   __ _ _   _
| '_ \/ __| | | |/ __| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | | |

| |_) \__ \ |_| | (__| | | | (_) | | (_) | (_| | |_| |
| .__/|___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/|_|\___/ \__, |\__, |
|_|        |___/                          |___/ |___/

Some cool colors and their names, what they look like and their Hexadecimal

Pink Flamingo #FF3399
Deep Space Sparkle #4A646C
Sunburt Cyclops #FF404C
Caribbean Green #00CC99
Outrageous Orange #FF6037
Dutch White #EFDFBB
Electric Purple
Dartmouth Green
Candy Apple Red #FF0800
Timberwolf #DBD7D2
Chartreuse #DFFF00
Hollywood Cherise
Laser Lemon
Winter Sky #FF007C
Blanche Delmond #FFEBCD
Folly #FF004F
Lemon Lime
French Fuchsia #FD3F92
Licorice #1A1110
Robin Egg Blue
Cafe Noir #4B3621
Saffron #F4C430
Turquoise Blue #00FFEF
Ultra Pink #FF6FFF
Anti Flash White #F2F3F4
Pastel Green #77DD77
Purple Pizzazz #FF00CC
Xanadu #738678
Guppie Green #00FF7F
Hot Magenta #FF1DCE
Jade #00A86B
Macaroni and Cheese #FFBD88
Medium Aquamarine #66DDAA
Cosmic Latte #FFF8E7
Dark Pink #E75480
Electric Lavender #F4BBFF
Debian Red #D70A53


       _       _     _            _           _            
 _ __ (_) __ _| |__ | |___      _(_)_ __   __| |           
| '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \| __\ \ /\ / / | '_ \ / _` |           

| | | | | (_| | | | | |_ \ V  V /| | | | | (_| |           
|_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__| \_/\_/ |_|_| |_|\__,_|           
 _ __ ___  ___ ___  _ __ __| |___   _ __   _____      _____
| '__/ _ \/ __/ _ \| '__/ _` / __| | '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / __|

| | |  __/ (_| (_) | | | (_| \__ \ | | | |  __/\ V  V /\__ \
|_|  \___|\___\___/|_|  \__,_|___/ |_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ |___/

                  ......    ..........
             ...................... ......
          ....         ....   .... . ........
        ..................     .. ... .........
       ....       .... ....   .. ..... .........
      ............... . ....... ....... .........
      .............. ... ..... ......... ........
      ......    ... ..... ... ........... .......
       ........... ....... . ............. .....
         ........ ........  ............... ..
            .... ..........................

The latest NEWS from Nightwind Records:

The digital version of Nomad Ninja's Avond Sluimer album is out now on bandcamp.
"Amateur Synth Jazz for the professional psychonaut". The CD and Cassettetape
versions will be out early 2016.


Recently A double vinyl pack version of the Calimex Mental Implant corp cassette
was released. Incorporating a full colour sleeve with the original artwork.

SWANSONG OF THE SKUNKAPE cassette & digital
The soundtrack of Brad Abrahams Swansong of the Skunkape documentary was
released on cassette. The cassette came in the usual faux leather miniVHS vintage videogame box and included a microzine packed with various sknunkape information. "Skunkape standup comedy" and a detailed instruction how to smell like a
skunkape are included.

Osiris Hairsalon *** Scully Mentos *** UFOCUS *** Satomi Tamiyama
more vinyl
more microzines
more stickers

From now on we shall press a limited amount of CDRs of the Nightwind releases.
They have full color artwork on the CDR and sleeve come with micro-zines and
sometimes a cool sticker or some stuff. They don't come in these whack plastic
CD cases but in flexible mini-LP sleeves.

NW001 Occult Orientated Crime - The Occult Orientated Crime Album
NW002 Rising Sun Systems - Oberheim Space
NW003 Calimex Mental Implant Corp - El Saber Del Arpavor
NW005 Saab Knutson - Electronic Music From The Faroer Islands 1993
NW006 Nomad Ninja - Avond Sluimer
NW008 Swan Song Of The Skunk Ape Original Soundtrack

For soundbytes of the releases check out


 _           _ _     _                                               
| |__  _   _(_) | __| |  _   _  ___  _   _ _ __    _____      ___ __ 
| '_ \| | | | | |/ _` | | | | |/ _ \| | | | '__|  / _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \

| |_) | |_| | | | (_| | | |_| | (_) | |_| | |    | (_) \ V  V /| | | |
|_.__/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|  \__, |\___/ \__,_|_|     \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|
                   _                  ___   _  _  _  _ _    o       o              
  __ _ _ __   __ _| | ___   __ _     /   \ / \  \  \  \ \  __            
 / _` | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \ / _` |
  /    /   /  /  /  / / /  \                     
| (_| | | | | (_| | | (_) | (_| |        \__/ \/ \/ \/_/_/    \__/              
 \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\___/ \__, |  o     o                                        
                           |___/                 o   o      o      o                 
 ___ _ __  _ __(_)_ __   __ _   _ __ _____   _____ _ __| |__         
/ __| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '__/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \    
\__ \ |_) | |  | | | | | (_| | | | |  __/\ V /  __/ |  | |_) |       
|___/ .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, | |_|  \___| \_/ \___|_|  |_.__/        
    |_|                 |___/                                     

Get that warm springey space in your music with an analog spring reverb
effect for 5$ or less.

Before they had digital Effects processors, reverb was often made with
a spring or metallic plate through which the sound was transduced via a
a transmitting audio device and a recieving one. Like a speaker attached
to the spring (transmitting) and a microphone or piezo element on the
other, recieving end of the spring.
It gives a very warm dub twangy surf 1950s space si-fi / academic acoustic
music feel to your sounds.
The cool thing is that if you hit the spring or the box around it it will
make a huge psychedelic thunder sound.

What you need:

- Some kind of spring (A toy slinky, "Stair-spring" make sure its a metal one,
  or those springs inside cheap toy echo microphones)

- a Pair of crappy powered PC speakers, the ones everyone used like 10 + years
 ago, Thrust, Logitech, US Blaster etc. You probably have one lying around in
 the attic or cellar etc. Else, the thriftstore is your friend, they will have
 ZILLIONS for a few bucks. Just a normal 2 piece stereo will do you won't need
 any bass boost. Prefereably use ones with low voltage (9, 12 etc,) adapters
 so you dont electrocute yourself.

- wires

- Two wooden satay skewers

- jack plug in and outputs

- A box to conceal everything (wine crate for example)

- Tape and glue (preferably hot glue)

- Screws

        _ ___----___  audio input

             ----   \________
          /                                                   wooden case
                 spring                            |
 \           | _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _ | <---
  \          || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | ||
   \    screw|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||
   /        ||||| = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||-| screw    
  /          | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||      
 /           |  |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |= |      
/            |    |                                      |   |      
  skewer---|--> |                                      | <-|--- skewer       
 \__         |    |                                      |   |      
   /         |  __|________                      ________|___|        
  /          |  \         /                      \          /|
 /           |   \_______/                        \________/ |
/            |_____|___|____________________________|____|___|
\                 |_____|                       ______/_/
 \________________/_/                          \_________________----____ _

    powered PC speaker                      speaker cone      audio output
                          (not powered!)
(schematic by prof.elektrovolt)

Attach the spring in the box with the screws so it hangs horizontally in the
attach one end of the skewer to the speaker cone membrane with some hot glue
or gummy substance and the other end on one side of the spring, also with some
glue or gummy stuff...i guess you can use tape too.
Do the same for the other end of the spring for the recieving audio output
speaker. For better sound quality, ,make sure you put the audio output signal
of this machine in an instrument or mic input.

Make sure the audio input speaker is powered or use an amplifier before it.
The other recieving speaker should not be powered, its just the cone.

If you are competent you can probably make it so you can tighten the springs
with the screws to alter the spring reverb resonance/reverb time.
Or add some other cool stuff like flashing lights, a cover with foam rubber
very close to the spring, which you can slide open to get different acoustic
varieties of the spring reverb sound (in theory I guess). Use other types
of metal for the spring, or even submerge the spring in oil (not water!!) for
a really dark thunderous reverb!


                               __              _   _          
  __ _    ___ __ _ ___  ___   / _| ___  _ __  | |_| |__   ___      *

 / _` |  / __/ _` / __|/ _ \ | |_ / _ \| '__| | __| '_ \ / _ \ *
| (_| | | (_| (_| \__ \  __/ |  _| (_) | |    | |_| | | |  __/    *
 \__,_|  \___\__,_|___/\___| |_|  \___/|_|     \__|_| |_|\___|  *

         _         __                            _               *    
  ___ __| |_ __   / _| ___  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_      *          
 / __/ _` | '__| | |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __|        *   
| (_| (_| | |    |  _| (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_   *           
 \___\__,_|_|    |_|  \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|      *         

CDR the newest underground music medium!

                   ____             ____
_                     ___
               _            __             _  ----

              -           --  --            -      ----
              -          -      -           -          _____________________

              -           --  --            -         | nomium cd           |
               -            --             -  ---   -- - - =====    - - - - |
                 __                     __  
                   ____              ___          ---   ===             === 

CDR's have a bad reputation, vinyl fusspots sniff at them
but is this really a justified case????

Hans Snijboon CDR enthiousiast sais:

- Superior Sound Quality: 16 bit digital audio hi-fi.

- More space! a CDR can hold up to 80 minutes of hi-fi audio you would need
at least 3 LPs for the same amount of music in decent audio quality.

- No standing up to flip the record or stressing about that you will have to do
that while your relaxing. Let the CD player do all the work while you relax,
after all you paid for the music why so much hard work???

-They make great artwork objects, relatively large circular surface on the cdr
itself and nice rectangular space on its cover, espeically if you use mini-LP
style transparent plastic sleeves instead of the stupid old school style
plastic CD cases.

- You can produce and press your own CDR releases for next to nothing
 financially and without any fuzz or BUMA/goverment intervention.

- Produced fast, in theory, you can make a release in one day or less.
No need to wait 4 months for the record pressing plant because they
are too busy pressing 40.000 LPs of Geriatric Pink Floid muzak or Justin
Bieber picture discs.

- You can play them in car stereos or portable CD players.

- They are portable and lightweight, accessable to almost everyone, cheap
to mail.

- CDRs are fun things! They are shiney, can reflect rainbows when a lightbeam
hits it, make great coasters, can be used as an emergency make-up mirror...
the possibilities are endless!

So next time you diss the CDR format think again!



     _  _                          _               
  __| |(_)   _____   _____ _ __ __| | ___  ___  ___
 / _` || |  / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__/ _` |/ _ \/ __|/ _ \

| (_| || | | (_) \ V /  __/ | | (_| | (_) \__ \  __/
 \__,_|/ |  \___/ \_/ \___|_|  \__,_|\___/|___/\___|

           *                     *             *            *       *
                        _________            *            *                 
                       /         \             ___________________   *
              *       |           |    *      | SP12_____________ |              
                      |___________|________ * | [] []  [] o _____ | * 
                      /          \            | == ==  ==  |_____||       *
          *     *    /____ ______ \           | . . . . .   . . . |   *
                        .  ____. ]            |                   |
                     /    |_      |           |  | | | | | |  . . |  *   
   *         *       |    ____    |_______    |  = = = = = =  . . |
                  __ |            |        |  |  /\ | | |  . . | *  *   
                 /   |            /________ | |_____\ \___________|
        *       /     \__________/          \        /   _/             
               /            /                \______/ \ /            
              /                                        /        *         
             /       /_______________________\        /
             |                          \     \       /     *         * 
            __\__________________________\__   \_____/____________________     
           /                                \___\                         /\     
   *      /                                                              /  |
         /                 _____     _____________________________      /   |
        / _________   /   (_____)  /             ===  ===        /     /   /
       / ________      -   -  -   /  - - -      ===  ===        /     /   /
      / _______     / -  - - -   /  - - -      ===  ==         /     /   /
     /                  - - -   /_____________________________/     /   /

    /            ________________________________________________  /   /
   /            / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /   /                 
  /            / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /   /
 /___________ /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/   /
|    ______  |================================================| |  /
|     ==== = |                                                | | /

By Emiel Emmereend

DJ Overdose, also known as Jeroen Warmenhoven, is one of the Dutch West
coast's most prolific electro producers. He's been active since the early
90s, participating in many different groups (Get It Boyz, The Hasbeens and
Novamen) and music styles (Hip Hop, Miami Bass, Electro, Disco etcetera
ad infinitum). His solo aliases are Model Man and Dream Disco and recently
he's gained some fame by appearing in the internet series RELICS OF THE
PAST, where he stars as Professor Gardner.

In order to unravel the inner psyche of this versatile man, I decided to
meet up with him in Schiermonnikoog, an island situated at the north of
the Netherlands. We sat down in a nice and quaint 'locale', ordered some
coffee and bitterballen whilst having a view of the marina where his
sailing vessel (the HMS Jaguar) was embarked.

Tell us about your sailing yacht.
Well, you can't call it a yacht really. Still its quite luxurious. It
has a 9,9 HP outboard motor, allowing you to choose between sailing
and using the motor. Also, it has a kitchen aboard which I share with
another guy.

What do you usually cook on board?
Pasta, steak, French Fries, eggs, salmon potatoes- you know, as long
as you can make it with two pans you can make it on my boat. We also
use a disposable barbque to do picnics on the shore.

Recently you initiated a side career as an actor in Relics of The Past.
Could you tell us what actors have influenced your acting style- and
with that the character of Professor Gardner?

It’s based mainly on Marlon Brando. I have to watch out with that or
people might start calling me an imitator. But it was also inspired by
old gangster movies. Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan, Glenn Ford, James
Cagney, Humphrey Bogart; I find them supercool. 

Is he really so wealthy as rumoured?
Not as wealthy as the potsmoking, weight lifting surfer dudes. They
seem to have nothing better to do than lift weights, smoke pot, surf
and talk about shit and synths.

What is your favorite movie?
I would have to say: The Funeral by Abel Ferrara. I very much like
the opening with the old cars in the funeral procession, Billy
Holiday singing Gloomy Sunday. Then all the misery starts; gangsters
who kill people almost for fun and see them deal with the loss of a
brother, and the silly reason why he got killed. I like Abel Ferrara
films in general. They seem to feel more realistic than others.

Can you give us some tips on obscure soundtracks? What are your

Trouble Man (Ivan Dixon) by Marvin Gaye. I might find that the best
soundtrack ever. The horn section, the drums and that Moog… it’s
almost perfect.

Then, obviously, Blade Runner, beautiful sounds- the Vangelis has to
be the best synthsoundtrackmaker ever. I also like anything by John

De Dood van een Non
Die Frau Ohne Körper Und der Projektonist
Solo Für Zwei Superkiller (Jack White)
The Beast of War (Mark Isham)

There’s also this guy named Carter Burwell, with his instantly
recognisable piano playing style. In Psycho II he used the Ensoniq SQ80
and the Roland TR808 Drummachine:

Why do you prefer the EMU SP12 Turbo over the SP1200?
Because it’s the one that I could get my hands on. I used to have an
SP1200 but it was a bit fnurky. They are prone to more problems than
the  SP12, like the wellknown output problem that eventually made me
get rid of my SP1200.

I prefer the look of the SP12 though. The original SP1200 looked
great, but I don’t like the look of the black case. I would like to
have an original  grey SP1200 but they are too expensive now. I used
to live in New York where  I bought mine for $1000,- and sold it for
€1100,- here in the Netherlands. They now go for $2500,- which is

When did you start using the SP12?
I bought my first SP12 from the producers of Mai Tai, who had some
hits in the Netherlands in the late 80's. DJ Technician (of Get It
Boyz)and I drove to Hilversum to buy it from a guy in a big ass studio.
He looked at us and when he went to demo the unit, picked up a
microphone and said, “YO", to sample it. Ha, I guess he knew we liked
Hip Hop. All we could do was laugh. He coulnd't get the diskdrive to
work so I tried my luck and haggled a third off the asking price.
I think he asked 1700 guilders and I payed him 1200 in the end.
Man, was I ever happier! I had wanted this machine for so long. They
would name drop the SP1200 in so many hip hop tracks I loved and it is
the ultimate Miami Bass machine. I would even dare to say that without
this machine there wouldn't be any Miami Bass.

So then you had zillions of them?
Well, two! I traded a second one for a Roland TR808. Which I love,
the way it walks and talks, but I didn’t like the limitations on the
sequencer. My first SP12 was falling apart, so when I saw one for sale
I asked the seller if he wanted to trade. Some time later Willie Burns
found me a new face-plate to upcycle the first SP12. Now it’s working
perfectly fine and I have two SP12’s.

Could you tell us why the Ensoniq ESQ-1 and SQ80 are the best synths in
the world? Or should we keep this a secret?

It’s an insane synthesizer, the best in a hardware setting. It has a
modular which you can build to launch off and circle the moon; it’s
limitless. Mainly, I would say that there is no other synth, especially
for that price, which can do sounds as good as the Ensoniqs. Also, the
engineers shoud get their weight payed in gold for the lay-out. I mean,
noobs could do cool things with it- even the simplest things sound
creamy,lush and breathy-well, sound designers could go nuts using this
thing! The only limitation I sometimes encounter is the eight voices.

Any interesting freaky tour stories? For example from when you lived in
the USA and toured a lot with Ron Morelli and MR. Pauli.

One night we had to leave immediately after the gig. We were in, I think
New Hampshire, and had to be in Detroit the next day. This meant that we
had to drive all night long and day to get there in time. I was driving
at the time, enjoying the night drive when it started to rain. Bad. It
started raining so hard that I had to chase the truck in front of us
because it’s tail lights were the only things that I could see. That kept
me awake for quite a while.

Playing in Detroit is always a blast. This time we were playing at the
Detroit Eagle during Halloween. It’s a gay bar with freaks only, dressing
up all weird or being completely naked. The DJ booth was covered by
pictures of hard dicks. The t-shirt I got that night is my favourite
ever, with a Freddy Mercury look-a-like beefed up guy staring your pants

One night we had to sleep in this guys house who had like thirty cats
andthe house smelled insanely bad like cat pass. My head was covered
by my sweater and my sleeping bag and I could still smell it. The moment
the sun rose I went out and sat outside until we were ready to leave.

All we can smell currently is the salty sea and some fried fish. The tide is
coming back up and it is time for Overdose to embark on his boat and sail away.
Where to? His distant dreams, Gardner’s empire, maybe to a Ferrara film scene.
All I know is that I am satisfied with having lifted a little of the veil of
mystery that surrounds and follows him forever.

Your star reporter EMIEL EMMEREEND

                           ||===----   ___      ______     ____
                         _/||     ________   _______    ____   _
                      __/  ||\ 

                   __/     || \  _________     ________      _    _
                  /        ||  \          

                 /         ||   \     __________     ________    _               
                 \         ||____\

                  \________||___           _________   ____    ______
______/== === == \_______    __      ____  _  _   _   _
       ___    _\________________________\__/  \____/     ___
/\____/   \__/ \___/\____/      \_____/\____/\___/ \____/   \____/\/\/\__/

Overdose's boat the HMS Jaguar in action, acquiring top speeds of over 5
Nautical Miles per hour.


synthesizers:          samplers:             drums:
EMU Vintage Pro        Ensoniq EPS16 plus    Casio RZ-1
ARP Odyssey            EMU SP12 Turbo (x2)   Yamaha RY-30
Ensoniq ESQ-1                                Roland TR606
Ensoniq SQ-80                                Simmons Trixer
Roland JX3P                                  EMU Procussion
Yamaha DX21
Korg Poly800
Korg Microkorg

Three Essential DJ Overdose related Releases:

NOVAMEN - Lies (Viewlexx)
Novamen = his collaboration with the illustrious The Hague
producer mr. Pauli. An all time The Hague electro-nix wave classic.
The sweeped phase string are of a gloryfying divinity.

MODEL MAN - Hoe de Pet Staat (W.T. Records)
A hidden gem On New York's W.T Records. Defeatist minimalism. The eternal
soundtrack for a man with issues under gloomy clouds.

DREAM DISCO - Take me Home (Das Drehmoment)
One of the underground hit records of 2007. An essential party banger.
From the start the hypnotic repeating synth vocal enters your mind like
a mantra. A foundation for the sleazy synthetic disco explosion that follows.


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                  .         |||.  .__/ .\\               .       
             .      /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        .  

By Sir Wallace Burdock
The energy that powers Japan comes from its volcanoes and seismic activity,
though it is not direct or obvious. From the Earth's core it radiates through
the land and influences people's brains in a very subtle way - when a physical
stimulus is converted into electrical impulses, the primeval seismic energy
resonates with these impulses, magnifying brain's responses. It doesn't expand
perception, but it makes it more intense, adding new layers of meanings. It is
not unlike a drug.

It's the reason why the Japanese celebrate simple forms so much - they're the
perfect vessel to be charged with the ancient truths hidden in the tensions
and shifting polarities of forces that shape the whole planet.

We won't be discussing all the effects this has on the society, but please
note Japan's industry, with its endless stream of cars and electronic
appliances. Designed by Japanese engineers, all these artifacts, from the
configuration of mechanical parts to intricate patterns on circuit boards,
bear at least fragments of the inner Earth's harmony. And here we come to the
main topic: the Japanese music gear.

Ever wondered why so many great music-making machines come from over there?
Yes, it's because of volcanoes and Japanese mind-enhancing power field. The
audio waves produced by even simple pieces of gear are in direct correlation
to the waves broadcasted by the planet's core. Even when taken overseas, it
doesn't change - it's embedded in their design.

It's also evident when roaming Japan's music stores - and there's so many of
them! Both used and new gear is treated with the same reverence, as everyone
feels that what they hold in their hands is, in a way, holy. When you buy a
second-hand item, it will be carefully secured with a bubble wrap and handed
to you with a respectful bow.  Sometimes you can even get a couple of months
of warranty. The prices are low. Not dirt-cheap low, as they're still valuable
items, but maybe 2-3 times lower than in Europe.

There is one small issue, though, and it's again connected with volcanoes: the
voltage in Japan is lower than in both Europe and America, to utilize the
resonance of the seismic radiation and stabilize the current. It means that
you need to carefully read the voltage description on the power supplies - if
it says 100-240V or something similar, you'll be fine with just a cheap plug
adapter, but if it's 100V only, then be prepared to buy a compatible PSU
wherever you live.

As many of you may be visiting Japan on tight schedules, here are some tips
for looking for treasures. First, some general remarks:

* random places - sometimes you can go to a regular department store, and
between fashion outlets and bookstores there will be a small music store with
a couple of latest synths and vocaloid gadgets, but then, right in the middle,
you'll find, let's say, a mighty Dr. Rhythm 660 drum machine for 5000 yen,
which is roughly 35 euro. In perfect condition, with the original power

* friends - get a lot of them when you're in Japan. Who knows, maybe they have
a 4-track cassette recorder lying around that they've never used, and you, a
foreign musician, could do something interesting with it? For free, I may add?

* Hard OFF - it's a part of a big chain of stores like Book OFF, Mode OFF,
Hobby OFF and so on, dealing with second-hand goods, spanning the whole
country. In the music section you'll usually find tons of guitar pedals,
family keyboards for 700 yen, heaps of DJ controllers, amplifiers, and among
this mess there may be an occassional synth, drum machine or groovebox. You
can also see a vacuum cleaner and a snake-skin shamisen standing next to each
other looking like this:
                                /   ... ...   
                               ||  HARD.OFF           
                          ____/||      _ _ _  
                          2160 ||       | |_  
                               ||       \|/ \____  
                               ||       |||  3240
                         . . ./  \ . . .||| . . .
                        . . .| ||.| . ._|||_ . . .
                         . . |_||_|. ./^|||^\ . .
                             |-||-|  |^^|||^^|
                             _\__/_  |^^___^^|

On top of that, in Tokyo there's a couple of places where you probably want to

* Ochanomizu - it's a district known for its guitar shops, and yes, guitars
are most common, but apart from that there's tons of other instruments, too,
and there are some places which sell synths only. Ochanomizu is also great for
used gear - most shops have second-hand corners; there should be at least a
shiny Electribe hanging somewhere behind the shopkeeper. The majority of the
shops are located on one street that goes south from the west exit of the
Ochanomizu train station.

* Akihabara - in a walking distance from Ochanomizu, Akihabara is a mecca for
otaku, but also a thriving trade hub of electronic appliances. Most shops will
sell you stuff tax-free as long as you have a valid passport. Location of
music gear in the stores changes, so I won't give you exact locations, but
it's not uncommon to uncover heaps of vintage gear at, for example, a top floor
of a 5-store Apple products shop. To make looking for treasures easier, here
are some useful words:
               CHUUKO (second-hand)    GAKKI (instruments)
                                        _/_       ___   ___ 
                  |          |       \ |___| /   |   | |   |
              ____|____ _____|_____ /  |___|  \  |___| |___|
              |   |   |      |                   __/________
              |___|___|   ___|___   _____|_____   /__   ___\
                  |       |     |      _/|\_    /|   | |   |\
                  |       |_____|    _/  |  \_   |___| |___|
* Flea markets - ok, I actually didn't make it to one of those yet as there
was always some free food to be had when I tried to go, BUT - I imagine there
could be some nice finds. The biggest flea market seems to be at the Oi
(sometimes spelled Ohi) racetrack. Be sure to look up the schedule online
before you go!

* FiveG - this store is a bit of a legend. There are so many magnificent
machines there that it feels like some kind of a dreamy museum, until you
start looking at the price tags, when it starts feeling like a luxury car
salon.  Fortunately there are some cool items on sale apart from those vintage
monsters, as they seem to take in a lot of abused gear, clean, fix and
refurbish it, but yeah, the main focus is still on the expensive stuff. Worth
going anyway as it's quite a unique place. It's close to Harajuku's popular
Takeshita street, where you can hear Japanese spoken with an Afro-American

If you find a nice piece of gear in one of those places, remember: it's not a
standalone item - it's a terminal that gives you access to the vast
underground network of energy, the extension of the ancient circuitry that
powers the movement of continents, that is Earth itself. Open your ears and
listen.  Decays, especially.

Sir Wallace Burdock

                _ _              _  
  __ _ ___  ___(_|_)   __ _ _ __| |_
 / _` / __|/ __| | |  / _` | '__| __|
| (_| \__ \ (__| | | | (_| | |  | |_
 \__,_|___/\___|_|_|  \__,_|_|   \__|
             _ _                    
  __ _  __ _| | | ___ _ __ _   _    

 / _` |/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| | | |   
| (_| | (_| | | |  __/ |  | |_| |   
 \__, |\__,_|_|_|\___|_|   \__, |   
 |___/                     |___/   

|              .                     .                  .            .          |
|    .                .      .          .                                       |
|          .                           .                      .           .     |

|            |\         /|                        .                   .         |
|     .      | \-_____-/ |        .      .                                      |
|            /           \                                        __________/   |
|           /  ___    ___ \          /\     .          .    _____/      .       |
|           /   - \  / -  \      .  /  \                   /                    |

|     /\    /             \    /\  /    \                 /                     |
|   _/__\/\ /      _T_    \ __/__\/______\__    _________//________________     |
|    _____  /             \ ______________     /  _____                   /|    |
|    _____ /              \ _____________     /  /    / / / /  / TR727   / /    |

|   _____ /               \     __________   /  /____/                  / /     |
|  ____  /                \ 
/\  _________  /  / / / / / / / / /       / /      |
  ___              ____/  \  _______  / _  _  _  _  _  _  _      / /       |
|   __         _____/       / _______  / // // // // // // //     / /        |
|  __  /     ____/            / ______   /                          / /         |
| __   /    /           _____/ ______    \__________________________\/          |
|   __/ ___/           /   \ ________________________________________           |
/__________________/_____\ ______________________________________            |

"Dewadacu, Fox and TR727 drummachine" By Timothy Shampoo
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"Wiebelmans Schaduw" by Andy Peeretoet
|                                                                               |        |                       _____/\___                                              |
|                      /          \    There is this theory of the Moebius      |
|                     /\    -- |-- |\    A Twist in the fabric of space         |
|                    /  \  ___ | __||        Where time becomes a loop          |
|                   / / /   -  | - /|           There is this theory of the Moeb|
|                  /    \     _|  | |              A Twist in the fabric of spac|
|                  |     \   ____ | |                   Where time becomes a loo|
|                  \     /@@  --  / /       There is this theory of the Moebius |
|                  _\___/__@@ @@ /_/_____     A Twist in the fabric of space    |
|                 / \   \    ----        \          _      Where time becomes a |
|                /___\   \________________\        //                           |
|               /     \   \          /\    \      //__                          |
|              /       \   \         -- |   \  /\/////                          |
|              |    |   \   \           |   |  \__'_/                           |
|              |    |    \   \          |   |__/   /                            |
____\\_       /    / |    \   \         |         /                             |
'----_ \_____   /  \     \   \        /________/                              |
|   \_  \        /    \     \   \      /                                        |
|     --/_______/      \     \   \    /                                         |


                _   _                      _          
  _____  _____ | |_(_) ___   ___  ___ __ _| | ___  ___

 / _ \ \/ / _ \| __| |/ __| / __|/ __/ _` | |/ _ \/ __|
|  __/>  < (_) | |_| | (__  \__ \ (_| (_| | |  __/\__ \
 \___/_/\_\___/ \__|_|\___| |___/\___\__,_|_|\___||___/

Due to popular demand we have a whole own section now for EXOTIC SCALES
is your music missing melody...are you pitch deaf????
need a new angle??? Try one of these new scales to fuel your inspiration!

A quick introduction to musical notes:

            a#            a#

   d#     g#|    d#    g# |
 c# |   f#| |  c# |  f# | |  
 _|_|___|_|_|___|_|_ _|_|_|_
|| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | ||
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

 c d e f g a b c d e f g a b

Above are 2 octaves, each octave contains 12 notes
c d e f g h a  - the white keys
c# d#  f# g# a# - the black keys
These octaves repeat themselves over the whole keyboard
usually on a bigger polyphonic synthesizer there are 5 octaves.

Get it?! Now start improvising & freaking out on these scales:

Eight Tone Spanisj
C, C#, D#, E, F, F#, G#, A#, C

Kumoi Scale (The Samurai or Bushido scale)
A, C#, D, F#, G#, A.
Play with Fiercness, frugality, loyality, honour

GFunk Scale
B C D E F# G A
play with portamento, preferably in monophonic mode
lots of modulation wheel & pitchbend action

Fata Morgana
C B G# G F E C# C

USA Horror
C# F G G# A# C

Desert Road
A A# D# F A+1 A#+1

Golem Scale
C# D# F G A# B# C+1

A Dorian Medieval Fantasy RPG Scale
A B C D E F# G A

Finnish Melancholia
A# B  C# D#  F F#

-=-=-=---- . . . . . .


                                         _                      _   
  __ _ _ __     _____  ___ __   ___ _ __(_)_ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ 
 / _` | '_ \   / _ \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \ '__| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|
| (_| | | | | |  __/>  <| |_) |  __/ |  | | | | | | |  __/ | | | |_ 
 \__,_|_| |_|  \___/_/\_\ .__/ \___|_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|
          _ _   _       _   _                                       
__      _(_) |_| |__   | |_(_)_ __ ___   ___                        
\ \ /\ / / | __| '_ \  | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \     
 \ V  V /| | |_| | | | | |_| | | | | | |  __/    
  \_/\_/ |_|\__|_| |_|  \__|_|_| |_| |_|\___|
                                               /________/ _______/____/
           ________         /__      /   /__________/    /    ________                  
           \__     \          /_____/   /_______________/____/
      _ ____ /      \_______       /_________/
     / \    /        \       \  ________/         /////////////////
    |   |  |__________|      |               ////////////////////
    |   |   |    ]   |       |            ///////////////////
     \_/____|      o |______/        //////////////////
   |   ||||               ||||    |
   |                              |     ////////////////////
   |______________________________|   ///////////////////
   |                              | //////////////////
   |                              |
   |                              |       ///////////////////
   |                              |    ///////////////////
   |                              |  ///////////////////
   |                              |

Do your own “Experiment with time” and learn to predict the future!
~Inspired by D.W. Dunne~

Right now, I’m writing this article whilst Shadow Wolf makes a disturbing
nazi mouse sound. Not that it has anything to do with my article, it just
seemed like a good introduction. In a far away past I researched the
notorious film Irréversible (Gaspar Noé, 2002) and stumbled upon a reference
to the book called “An Experiment With Time”. The book appeared in a shot of
maybe a few seconds, but the title caught my attention and I decided to start investigating this book that pushed the narrative into it’s highly
unpredictable development.

Irréversible claims that time is elliptical, not linear. This certain notion
is found also in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the foundation for this theory lies
in D.W. Dunne’s book. He claims that everything happens at the same time and
 that proof can be found in premonitory dreams.

In order to make things a little less dull and dry, I shall escort you through
the theory whilst showing you how you can do this experiment yourself. All
you need is a pen, paper, patience and an open mind. Within a few days, weeks,
months, or years, you will be able to predict the future yourself!

Let’s start by a little background information. Our consciousness forces our
 perception of time to flow in one direction. The past is behind us, the now
is now and the future lies ahead. If this were true, then how come people
 experience premonitory dreams? And with these dreams we don’t mean the ones
 charlatans claim to have (in the same line of Crystal therapy and aura reading)
- no, J.W. Dunne had spent his life dedicated to science in it’s purest form yet
 failed to explain why he sometimes saw into the future. The answer, he now
knows, is simple; there is no future.

Everything happens in the eternal now, we just fail to realise it! It’s one
big jumble mumble of moments and experiences happening at the same time but
we as human beings fail to grasp this. Then, why dreams? This is because Dunne
claims that during our moments of subconsciousness we are able to see slivers
of the future and the past. We just learned that all these ‘dreams’ are only
dreams, but Dunne says that some information in these dreams tell us about
the eternal now. See, the slivers are not really seeing into the future, it’s
being able to experience the now you will experience in the future.

So, how do you look into your future now?

The first step is to try and remember your dreams. Without remembering, there
is no way you’ll see your future! Everybody has dreams, most of us just fail to
recall them. Whenever you wake up, try and write down everything you remember
about your dreams straight away. Don’t wait, don’t pee: write! Doing this
constantly for a while will boost your ability to recall dream moments clearly.

After mastering this, you’ll need to filter the nonsense in your dreams from
the truly important elements. Start by writing down everything as detailed as
possible. How did you feel, what colours were there, smells, sounds, thoughts?
This step is essential because our ‘time travelling’ makes us live through
experiences, not just images. Here’s an example:

I dream about a man installing
three spider webs in my room and I feel a little paranoid about it. I’m hiding
behind a rock observing him an his daughter placing the webs. After the third
is installed, he burns them, causing his daughter to burst into flames.
He tells her: “it was all meant to trigger this reaction in you, I’m so proud
that you’ve erupted!”.

Weird huh? The goal is to write down everything and as you continue living,
pay great attention to whether you see links between your dreams and your
experiences. Maybe this dream is connected to a film I might watch in twenty
years. See, there’s no time rule about when these moments might happen in our
perception or whether they’ve already happened!

By Sierra Nobo III


Set up your own....

 _                 _                                                    
| | ___   ___ __ _| |                                                   
| |/ _ \ / __/ _` | |                                                   
| | (_) | (_| (_| | |   
|_|\___/ \___\__,_|_|                                                   
                 _   _               _                     _       _    
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|___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_|\___||___/_/___\___|_|     \___|_|\__,_|_.__/

       /       \      ,.  /\  
   |||||||||             _______
      /_________\____ \ \/ /     |||||||||           _/___  __\_
      |    /  __|      \  /      | _   _ |          |  o  || o  |
      \___/ '  .|      | |       | o   o |          |_____||____|
       |      ] |      / /       |   U   |      ____ | _______ |______
        \__ O  /      / /        | EEEEE |     /     \_________/      \
  _______/     \_____/ /        /=========\   /____               _____\
 /                ____/        /-----------\ /     \   o o o o   /      \
 \   \   ______  /            /=============\       \  o o o o  /       /
  \   \         /            /===============\       \         /       /
   \   \    |  /            ////          \\\\\  \ \ \        / / / / / 
    \   \ ________________ _____________________ _________________________
     \__ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \
     \ \\\\  _   _  - - -  \\ .   . . . __  _  _ \\  . .    . . __  __  _  \
      \ \___________________\\____________________\\________________________\
       \| P A M A H A  3 0 3|| P R O R A V E R 200|| r i t z n i t e w a v e|

It's the perfect occasion to socialise with likeminded spirits. Get high or
drunk, play with synthesizers you don't own (yet), discuss different pattern
techniques and cable logistics; just overall dork out! These six easy steps
will guide you through the process of setting up your monthly festivity.
Fun is 100% guaranteed!

DOLPHINS". If you want to be experimental and mysterious you could leave out
the word synthesizer, like "SYNERGY 101", "VCO SYNDICATE" or "SPECTRA BOYS".
If you have trouble choosing: ask your neighbour what name sounds the
freakiest to him and choose that one.

STEP 2: Design a logo. If you have the tools try making a stamp out of it,
this way you can design your own postcards and be all cool with that logo.

STEP 3: Invite your members in spe. Announce the birth of the synthesizer
club on forums, social media and whatever is being used at that time. Make a
website with lots of colours and make flyers which you can leave at record
stores and obscure clubs.

TIP: Having trouble finding juicy new members? Rummage through your old
yearbooks, look for the biggest dork and send him your awesome postcard.

STEP 4: Make the event happen. After getting some members, invite them to
your own house or to your local event location. Make them bring their synths,
power cables and headphones.

STEP 5: Decorate decorate decorate! Think big, think colourfull and flashy.
LED strips, plasma lighting, Fractal projections, lava lamps and interstellar
wall projections are all suitable options.

STEP 6: Get some waster material (alcohol, weed), drinks (Punica, Chocomel,
Fristi), snacks (liqourice, bananas, jellybeans). Anything goes except for
saucy things, extremely crumbly things and sticky things. WARNING: Cheetos
are an absolute no-no because of their smell and the sticky cheese powder
that stains the keyboard keys yellow.

It's your own decision whether you want people to pay up for participation.
I would suggest asking for some small donation to cover some of the costs.

Article Appendix: cool suggestions

- BINGO: Also a nice way to fund your club. Make people pay up 5 bucks for
a bingo ticket and use the money to buy prices. If you are slick you can use
the money for the club and use crappy things as prices. Such as old keyboards,
records, synth cleaning equipment, synth magazines etc. etc. ad infinitum.
- Make a zine with information regarding synths, your club and cool events
in the world.
- Make laminated club passes. This enhances the feeling of authenticity and
importance. You can get DIY laminating kits at most office supply stores.
- Set up workshops, concerts, parties, synth-picnics, garage sales, micro
festivals and talkshows.
- Have cool aliases for the club members. Pamaha 303, NitewaveRitzz of
Proraver 2000 are examples that should put you on the right track.


 _           _                                
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| '_ \ / _ \| __|                             
| | | | (_) | |_                              
|_| |_|\___/ \__|                             
     _             _ _         _   _          
 ___| |_ _   _  __| (_) ___   | |_(_)_ __  ___
/ __| __| | | |/ _` | |/ _ \  | __| | '_ \/ __|
\__ \ |_| |_| | (_| | | (_) | | |_| | |_) \__ \
|___/\__|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/   \__|_| .__/|___/

                       /      _,
                      / \    /     .      .   ____________

                .     \  O  O   .     O      /   ______   |
                   .  O                _____/   /      |  |
              _________________       /        /  _____|__| ____

             |  ____  - - - -  |     /        /  / - - - - - - /\
             | |:o o| - - = o  |_______      /  / = = = = = = /  \

             |_======__________|   /   \____/  / = = = = = = /  /
               ===         ===    /           / / / / / / / /  /

                                 |           / - - - - - - /  /
           ______________________|__        / / / / / / / /  /
          |    o o   o  o   = = =   |      /-------------/  /

          |  _____________________  |      \_____________\_/
          | ||||||||||||||||||||||| |

          | | l l l l l l l l l l | |


Are you lacking inspiration??? Reverse the keyboard! Sit behind your
synth, just turn it around so you are facing the backside. You will be
pleasently surprised how different you sound! Now you will make your melodies
with switched brain halves so to speak! You can do this switching brain
halves trick with a lot of other stuff too!

Sample your own tracks, stuff you never going to use, sketches, even ur hits
and mangle them, pitch them up, down, filter it, modulate it etc. Make fresh
tracks with ur own sounds. Keep using the music as a fractal on and on.

Get an old cassette recorder and just record some synths jamming on a tape.
Now record the cassette in your sampler and notice the fuzzy warm tape sound
especially when you throw a tiny amount of lowpass filter on it and add a
littlebit of high-EQ! Instant basic channel and wooly BOC style!

The Korg Volca Keys is a bit of a boring probably throw
it in the corner after playing with it for 10 minutes...but WAIT! Did you
know the sequencer sends MIDI OUT!!!??? yes and a lot of other stuff too...
the problem is ofcourse there is no MIDI OUT port beacause they had to keep
the costs down. No PORT but quite enigmatic a fully working MIDI out circuit
is inside. So the only thing u gotta do is attach the MIDI connector.
The problem is where to put the MIDI out port, u can put it on the side or
hang it loose with a wire from the outside.

3.5" DD/HD Sampler FloppieDisc Crack
YOu got some old gear that uses 3.5" DD floppies? You might have a problem
because 3.5" DD Floppies are almost NOWHERE to be found these days. The only
ones you can still easily get are the HD types which don't run in DD is said,but with a bit of ragtag improvisation they will!
Most 3.5" HD floppydiscs will work too, just get a piece of tape and stick it
over the (left) hole Now for some reason this doesn't work on all diskdrives,
but mostly it does.

Rice shaker
Add some natural groove to your music: Take one of those plastic yellow
Kindersurprise egg containers put in some rice and you got a shaker.
Record some loops and add over drums for extra "natural" spice.

You can make sounds much more interesting by adding a slight touch of pitch
envelope, only at the decay, so it begins with a little "hiccup". This will add
some tension to your melodies and give the listeners brain some more enjoyment.
It sort of sounds like portemento but then you can use it more polyphonic.
So a good envelope would be:
Attack 0ms Decay 50% Sustain 0 and release whatever. Add this envelope for about
8 - 10% to the synthesizer/sampler pitch envelope amount.



                          _   _       _       
  ___  ___ ___  ___ _ __ | |_(_) __ _| |     
 / _ \/ __/ __|/ _ \ '_ \| __| |/ _` | |      
|  __/\__ \__ \  __/ | | | |_| | (_| | |      
 \___||___/___/\___|_| |_|\__|_|\__,_|_|      
 _        _                             _     
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 \__|_|  |_| .__/  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_|\___|
                     .    .   .
                    _     _    _
                   /_|   |_|  |_\
                   _     ___    _
                 /. |   | . |  | .\

                /___|   |___|  |___\

               ____     _____    ____
              /  o |   |  o  |  | o  \

             /  o  |   |  o  |  |  o  \
            /______|   |_____|  |______\

           _________   _______   ________
          /         | |       | |        \
         /  ( )     | | ()    | | ( )     \

        /           | |       | |          \
       /   ( )      | | ()    | |  ( )      \
      /_____________| |_______| |____________\


Essential Trip Music Reviews

A great source for forgotten new age ambient etc. synthesizer music is Tons of cassettes have been digitized in mp3 format and the
inlays scanned too. Here are some life changing treasures you can dig up there:

Fred Whackenhut - Orianna Twilight *****
A forgotten ambient jazz classic on the beyond ultra cult MU-PSYCH label
On side A its mostly romantic filmic piano mixed with dark synthesizer tones.
I guess its nice to listen to if you are taking a bath or something.
But its the B-Side where things go mental with a more deeper melancholic
trippy vibe. Somewhere in the middle (the tracks are all untitled) around
10 minutes, things expand into ascension with vaporous accidentals of incredible
portamento'd solosynthesizer. Can't stop listening to this.

Pauline Anna Strom - Trans-Millenia Consort
Mesmerizing harmonic album from blind bay area synthesist Pauline Anna Strom.
Released in 1982 it ventures lightyears away from anything you might have heard
at that time. There is something very special about this music, unknown emotions
bubble up with an enorumous vibe of an etheral sacredness. Apparently played on
a Sequential Prophet 10 synthesizer.

Emerald Web - Valley of the Birds *****
"Visonary music on flutes and synthesizers"...Dark RPG folksynth made around
1981 by husband-and-wife music group Emerald Web.
According to the new age music encyclopedia they perfomed in planetariums,
made music for Carl Sagan's COSMOS series and did a lot of other TV soundtrack

Contstance Demby - At Alaron ******
1983 harp gepingel with some unsettling stunning synthesizer parts.
As expected by the title a lot of the tracks are very Arthurian. But its all in
a very consenting luring minimalistic way and going towards a lot of different
places. Like Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works II with a touch of Autechre with
a milli-gram of Doris Norton, sometimes even touching a NICO-esque mood.

Mysteries of
     _                _                                             
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                                       _   _               _    
                       ___ _   _ _ __ | |_| |__   ___  ___(_)___
                      / __| | | | '_ \| __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| / __|
                      \__ \ |_| | | | | |_| | | |  __/\__ \ \__ \
                      |___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_|\___||___/_|___/
      \            ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''   /                 
\                ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''        
        \                  '''''''''''''''''''''''          /
         \                    ''''''''''''''''
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           \               _______''''|''''
            \            /\      /  ''|''               /
             \          /  \       '|'           
              \        /    \  /      |          /| /

                    /______\/      ||         / | \/_  _  _  _  _  _
             / ______________________||__      /  |  \
            / |   ______________         |_   /   |   \
           /  |  |     |        |  O O   | | /_ _ | _ _\
          /   |  | ====|========|        | | \    |     \ 
         /    |  | ----|--------|  o o   |_|  \   |      \
        /     |  | ====|========|        |     \  |       \
       /      |  |______________|  O O   |      \ |        \

Enter the undiscovered nor explained weirdness of the cosmos -> all
reachable in that dusty old short wave world radio you thought was a
relic of bygone years.

In an endless ocean of swooshes and organic white noise you can travel all
over the world and beyond. Stumble upon forgotten obscure distant radio
stations, strange weather phenomena and bleeps and burp from secret spy

What is shortwave radio???
Shortwave radio (SW) is the radio transmissions band using shortwave
frequencies around 1.6 to 30 Mhz. Shortwave radio transmissons can travel
extremely long distances because the radiowaves are refracted back to
earth from the earths atmosphere. It is not only used for radiostation
broadcasts but also for long distance communication between ships and
airplanes and communication with difficult to reach remote parts of the

So there is a lot of obscure stuff going on this SW band and so it makes
an excellent and infinite source of sounds for your music!

What you need:

A short wave radio "world band reciever", probably have one lying around
in the attic/cellar/closet, if you don't have one: any thrift store will
have one for cheap.
                   /                                 /
                  /                                 /

    _____________/_                   _____________/__
   |  ________    |-                 |          _____ |

   | |= = = = | - | |                | - - - - |_____||
   | |--------| - |-                 | - - - -  _ _ _ |

   | | = = = =|   |                  |          - - - |
   |  --------    |                  |________________|


There are two types:
- The ones with an analog dail for tuning the stations
- The ones with a digital + and - and memory for tuning the stations

You can use both but I prefer to use the ones with the analog dail because
then you can make smoother movements when you go through the airwaves
and they just work faster, the digital ones have the tendency to have
no sound when it scans through the stations and they just work slower in
So better get one with the analog dail/tuning knob, they are generally
cheaper too!

A stereo minijack to Left & Right RCA/Cinch or Jack or whatever you
want to use to connect to.
                                              __________-----___ _
                    ________                 /          -----
      ---===---____/        \_____          /
                                            \___________-----___ _

You can connect the radio straight to your soundcard, sampler, modular,
filter input of synthesizer, fx boxes, pedals etc.

Now scan through the airwaves and start looking for sounds!
sometimes you can control sweeps with weird swooshes and swashes by
turning the dail up and down at certain frequencies.

Voices from beyond, totalitarian state speeches, atmospheric static, naval
chitchat, galactic blurps, extraterrestrial messages, exotic evaporting
music from distant islands etc.etc.etc. Just a tip of the iceberg of the
sounds you may encounter!

No need to splash out 10000000 $$$$$ for a modular wall - your 5$ world
band reciever can do it too!

You can add an antenna to your world reciever to greatly improve the
stuff you can recieve.
Just connect a long wire to the radios antenna (wrap it around) and lead
the wire to somewhere outside, preferable somewhere high. Maybe add some
tinfoil squares or circles to the end of the wire. I have no clue if that
does anything but it definitely will look cool!

                .                    .        .            _/___
    _____                 .                         _\__  /   \
----|   |--                     .          _______ /    \/  _____/_
    |___|   \           .                 /////////\  _\_ |  /    \
_____________\                           / ///// /_=____\   _____
     _______ |  ========================/_______/=/   \\| /    \
    |       || /                                        | |
    |     /====          .                       .      | |
    |____/_ ||                                          | |
    |- - o |||      .              .                    | |
    |- -   |||                                          | |
    |______|||          _._ ?                           | |
             |         /o o\        .                   | |
             |        _|   |_      .o.                  | |
_____________|_______///   \\\______|__/_______/________| |__________

example of what an antenna might look like.


Also be sure your world reciever/radio is not too close to any electro
magnetic sources: refgrigirators, computers, synthesizers etc. can
interfere heavily and cause hums and stuff.

Most of the time can recieve more in the evening and at night due to
better conditions for the signal.



       _               _          _                   
  ___ | |__   ___ _ __| |__   ___(_)_ __ ___          
 / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ ` _ \         
| (_) | |_) |  __/ |  | | | |  __/ | | | | | |        
 \___/|_.__/ \___|_|  |_| |_|\___|_|_| |_| |_|        
                 _        _        _  ___   ___   ___ 
 _ __ ___   __ _| |_ _ __(_)_  __ / |/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| '__| \ \/ / | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | (_| | |_| |  | |>  <  | | |_| | |_| | |_| |
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|  |_/_/\_\ |_|\___/ \___/ \___/
             _       _                                
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| '_ \ / _` | __/ __| '_ \ / _ \/ __|                 
| |_) | (_| | || (__| | | |  __/\__ \                 
| .__/ \__,_|\__\___|_| |_|\___||___/                 
            /                                                 \

           /                                                   \
          /                                                     \

         /                                                       \
        /                                                         \

       /                                                           \
  |    ___                         __________                           |
  | O  \  \ Oberhheim Matrix-1000 | -- -- -- |   +  0  1  2  3  4     O |
     o  o                       | _\|  . \ |                          |
  | O           o o o o o o  [  ] |__________|   -  5  6  7  8  9     O |

Here are Emiel Emmereends favorite Oberheim MATRIX 1000 synthesizer patches

235 - Yamaha CS80 Vangelis synthesizer sound

250 - Eerie english bog ambient synth tone

255 - Melting bad trip FM twilight zone

666 - An incredible filmic pad, think Roland Super JX Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks and Mullholland drive soundtrack style

775 - Nice Ambient synthesizer

829 - Synthi House Organ great for UK stuff

869 - Winter storm - an ICE COLD storm outside while you tucked away
inside - but if you listen REALlly closely you can hear the wolfs howling

836 - Puppet Theatre - In an old european town, in an old narrow street...
in an abstruse puppet might be somewhere in the 1960s but
could just as well be now.

887 - Gothic Church graveyard mist - scary DX/FM-esque church bell

888 - Polar fox synth, high "tined" electrical piano-esque with artic
snow touch.

954 - Electronic Koto, it doesnt sound as realistic then many rompler koto
but it has way more "character" for some reason.

969 - Soft Ambient synth, timid and soft but beautifully characteristic
in a haunting sort of way

979 - Electric Rhodez Delay showing off "fake" delay using the LFO and a
square wave...


       _     _                        _       _         
__   _(_) __| | ___  ___     __ _  __| |_   _(_) ___ ___
\ \ / / |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \   / _` |/ _` \ \ / / |/ __/ _ \
 \ V /| | (_| |  __/ (_) | | (_| | (_| |\ V /| | (_|  __/
  \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/   \__,_|\__,_| \_/ |_|\___\___|

         .         .     o                               *

   o  .  ___________________   .          *               |
        | _________________ |     o                 ______|_
     o  ||     ______      ||        o             /_____   \
   .    || \  /      \  /  ||              *      /     /   |
      . ||  \/   o  o \/   ||   o   *             |____/    |
    o   ||  /          \   ||           *         |_________|
        || /   /\/\/\/  \  ||        *    *         |_____|
      . ||_________________||        ____          /  ___  \___
        |___________________|        \ ..\_       | /   |  |   |
     o  | o o o o -________ |        |\ ..\|      |/    |  |   |
        | VHS = = |________||        \ //..\      /    /   |   |
        |___________________|         \ \___\    /    /    |   |
                                       \___\____/    /     |___|
                                        \___________/       |

Movietips & Reviews

Driller Killer 1979 Abel Ferrara US ****
A young artist is running on empty and out of money. He finds himself
immersed into a new hobby with a drill and power-pack battery. Classic
New York late 70s No Wave Cult movie. So much weird and funny stuff going on.
Cool crappy lo-fi synth renditions of some Bach pieces on the soundtrack.
Abel Ferrara directs and plays the lead role and he is one cool guy.

The Legend of Hell House 1973 John Hough UK ****
On paper an exploitation copy of the 1963 'The Haunted' but in real life
it turns out to be a superior movie all the way. The story is the cliche
"Parapsychologists investigate haunted mansion" plot but done extremely well.
Mainly by not showing anything. Also the weird silent atmosphere, strange
characters and off the hook serene camera work. But the real secret of this
movie's power might be the intensly scary electronic soundtrack by none others
then Delia Debishere and Brian Hodgson (from the BBC radiophonic workshop)

The Fourth Man 1983 Paul Verhoeven NL ******
Paul Verhoevens seminal masterpiece. His last film he made in Holland before
he went to Hollywood and made Robocop, showgirls, starshipstroopers etc.
Based on a famous dutch novel by Gerard Reve it tells the story of an alcoholic
writer who has to do a lecture in the remote seaside town of Vlissingen,
there he meets a mysterious female fan and things turn into Hitchcockian Suspense.
A sensual charged mesmerzing dreamy atmosphere of saturated surrealism.
Great haunting soundtrack by the obscure composer Loek Dikker.

The Attic 1980 George Edwards US ****
Psychological thriller about a loneley librarian who is being controlled by
her disabled father. She also has a pet monkey and got fired recently while
she tried to burn down the library that employed her. Besides that she is also
waiting for her fiancee who mysteriously dissapeared 17 years ago.
If todays crap Hollywood movies even had 1% of this plotline they would be
so much better!

The Lathe Of Heaven 1980 ****
Set in a semi-sort off dystopian futuristic portland a man can change the world
around him by dreaming. A Dream specialist gets involved and starts using the man
for his own agenda. A very cosey hazed atmosphere throughout the whole movie makes
it a pleasure to watch. A bit slow paced maybe but its so pleasant it works like
a meditative trip. This movie has a lot of interesting shots of
futuristic science buildings, warm saturated synth music, endless rain and
everything we like.



 _                                    _ _    _                 
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 _                       _     _                              _
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| __| '__/ _` \ \ / / _ \ |   | |/ _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _` | |

| |_| | | (_| |\ V /  __/ |   | | (_) | |_| | |  | | | | (_| | |
 \__|_|  \__,_| \_/ \___|_|  _/ |\___/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|\__,_|_|

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                /        \   | idente |             \ \              ______
                |  .  . |\   |_' _____|    o        \  \___ _       /  ===
            _   |   |   |\\    \         .    ______\___\__________/dyfr/

        |     |  |_  |\\\   //           _/= - - - - - - - - - -   _/
          o      | _-   |/    //    o      (_________     ___________/__ _ _
                _|      |____//         .            \    \

/ \_____/  ___/                        \    \ __   _ _    _
              / _        /                o      .      \   \
             / / |      |   o                             \__\___ __ _   _
            / /  |      |              .        .       .

  ________/ /___|______|_______________            .           .    .
  /   ___///____           ________    /|
 /   /          /  / / /  /       /   / |
/   /__________/  - - -  /_______/   /  |

Another scribble from Baz Reznik's travel journal:


Every country has its own visa regulations and when you visit 23 in one
year you will encounter problems. It doesn't matter how well you think
you prepare, with all those different regulations you're bound to fuck
up one day.  Most commonly is the "stamp in, stamp out" regulation. You
receive a stamp in your passport the day you cross the border which counts
as your visa and as long as you exit within the time-limit specified on the
stamp there is not much of a problem. The difficult thing is usually
getting the stamp without paying. For example in Latin America most
countries won't charge Europeans for the stamp (people from the USA are
usually a big exception due to the strict USA immigration regulations and
high costs: a lot of South American countries mirror those costs in their
own immigration laws). This doesn't mean you'll get your stamp with ease.
The land-borders between two Latin-American countries are considered a
"no man's land". Between stamping out and stamping in you will be harassed
by numerous people who will try to convince you to buy the "very important
immigration forms" (that are usually free at the immigration stand), who
will  try to sell you drugs (and then tell their police friends about it)
and who will offer their "service" as luggage carrier (for which you will
pay a lot or face the consequences of never seeing your backpack again).
When you finally reached the immigration office you'll have to stay quite
strong not to pay the corrupt officer behind the counter. In some cases
they just confiscate your passport and force you to pay some dollars to
get it back and believe me, when they point a gun on you, you will pay.

Make sure you always have a pile of small dollar signs with you to ease
out the tension. Another difficulty about traveling over land is the
absence of a return ticket. At a lot of borders you'll have to proof that
you're going to leave within the days specified in your visa and the only
legal proof is a plane ticket out. This might turn out difficult if you
travel everything by bus. We quickly got experts in falsifying plane
tickets and even had a ready made empty ticket on our laptop that we could
fill in with every destination we wanted which we would print at the last
stop before crossing a border.

The biggest mistake we made was between Uruguay and Argentina. From Buenos
Aires there is a boat crossing the Rio de La Plata to Montevideo, Uruguay.
On our way there we got a stamp at the Argentina side, went on the boat and
got our entry stamp in the harbor of Colonia. On the way back we got our exit
stamp in Colonia. After one hour we landed in the Buenos Aires port. Walking
from the boat, through the hall, around the corner and… outside? Where was
our entry stamp? It turned out that we should have gotten our exit and entry
stamp at the Uruguayan side. There was nothing the people from the company
could do, it was already late and the next day they would sort it out for us.
When we arrived at the shipping company the next day and talked to the people
again we were told they still couldn't do anything (so why don't tell us that
the night before?). We had to go to the immigration office on the other side
of town (where we just came from) and sort it out there. After hours of
waiting, countless of lines, signs, pulling numbers, explaining again why we
were there and begging for a stamp we finally got the answer: there is nothing
anybody could do, we were illegal and nobody was going to help us. The only
thing we could do was bring enough money to the border crossing when leaving
the country to pay the officer there.

We traveled the whole of Argentina as illegals. Got stopped a few times at
various checkpoints where we got questioned about why we, according to our
passports, already left the country. But we were able to dodge the bullet by
pretending not to speak Spanish so the (only Spanish speaking) police officers
would give up after a while.

The real challenge came when we had to cross the border to Chili in the south
of Argentina. In the middle of nowhere the bus stopped at a dodgy looking
border post. Just a container in the middle of the dessert with a barricade
on the (gravel) road. Nervously we got in line with the other passengers in
a movie-like setting where two military looking border officials had to stop
their game of ping pong to check our passports. Slowly we advanced to the
booth where one of the bearded guys was seated under a big portrait of
the president. We had no money left to pay them off and had a slight
conjecture that the possibilities of making a payment by bank where limited
in this border post that was a eight our bus ride straight to the dry plains
from the nearest town. Would we be stuck here for a while?


By Baz Reznik


            _                  __                    
__   _____ (_) ___ ___  ___   / _|_ __ ___  _ __ ___ 

\ \ / / _ \| |/ __/ _ \/ __| | |_| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
 \ V / (_) | | (_|  __/\__ \ |  _| | | (_) | | | | | |
  \_/ \___/|_|\___\___||___/ |_| |_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|
 _   _                       _     _                 
| |_| |__   ___  __   _____ (_) __| |       
| __| '_ \ / _ \ \ \ / / _ \| |/ _` |                
| |_| | | |  __/  \ V / (_) | | (_| |                
 \__|_| |_|\___|   \_/ \___/|_|\__,_|                

         ________            /\                 /  \

        /        \          /  \       /\      /    \
        \ _   o   \        /    \     /  \    /      \    /

        _/ \      /       /      \___/    \  /        \  /
        \   \    /   ____/                 \/          \/

         ,-  \   \_____
          --  \        \
             \ \       /
              \ \      \

               \___     \
                   \     \__________

                    \________       \
                             \  ___  \

                             / /   \  \
                            / /    /  /

                        ___/ /    /  /_______
                       /     \   /           \
                      /_______\ /_____________\

A random music sound program for the Commodore 64 by 6 TRAK

2 REM *** BY 6 TRAK

10 PRINT CHR$(147): S=54272

14 GOSUB 999: POKE S+24,M

18 FOR X=0 TO 2
19 GOSUB1001: POKES+4+(X*7),W+E

20 GOSUB1000: POKES+1+(X*7),F/1+X
21 GOSUB 1003: POKES+5+(X*7),D

22 GOSUB 1004: POKES+6+(X*7),SR
23 GOSUB 1001: POKES+4+(X*7),W+E+1

26 FOR A=1 TO 150-F: POKE S+1,A: NEXT A
27 GET A$: IF A$="" THEN 18

28 GOSUB 999: END
999 FOR Z=0 TO 24: POKE S+Z,0: NEXT Z

1000 F=INT(RND(1)*50): RETURN
1001 W=2^INT(RND(1)*3)*8

1002 E=(INT(RND(1)*3+1)*2: RETURN
1003 D=INT(RND(1)*12):RETURN

1004 SR=INT(RND(1)*200): RETURN



             _                             __                    _             
 _ __  _   _| |___  __ _ _ __ ___    ___  / _|  _ __   ___   ___| |_ _ __ _   _
| '_ \| | | | / __|/ _` | '__/ __|  / _ \| |_  | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ __| '__| | | |

| |_) | |_| | \__ \ (_| | |  \__ \ | (_) |  _| | |_) | (_) |  __/ |_| |  | |_| |
| .__/ \__,_|_|___/\__,_|_|  |___/  \___/|_|   | .__/ \___/ \___|\__|_|   \__, |
|_|                                            |_|                        |___/

          \     |    /                      _______
              _____      _\|/               \      \

        __   /     \     /  _    ______      \______\           o
            |_______|____  /     \     \                  o

            |   o o |  /  /       \     \     _____
            |     \ | /  /         \_____\   /    /        o      o
            |____ u_|/  /                   /____/
 \__________/          /                                      o

==|__________          \                  _
 /           \          \________________/ /             o       o

              \                           /                           ||
               \     ____________________/                 =======   \  /
               /    /                             _____    O  o \\   | |

              /    /                             /oo    \ / [    \\  | |
             /    /                             / /     @@@  u   /   / /

          __/    /                           __/___- ___@@@_____/___/ /
         /_______\                          /             \          /

C B Vaandrager special:

Honderden (hier merknaam) Mobiele Kranen
doen dagelijks over de hele wereld
wat van ze verwacht wordt:
hijsen, toppen, zwenken (8 meter arm).

360o onbeperkt zwenken.
Montage in Mexico (volgt foto).

De man in de cabine
heeft het makkelijk.
Goed zicht. Goede ventilatie.
Verwarming als de temperatuur daalt.
De bediening is kinderlijk
eenvoudig: drie handles en een gaspedaal.
C'est tout.

(Vaandrager, Made in Rotterdam, Verzamelde Gedichten)

Vrijwel alles wat hij aan kennis van plaatselijke bevolking,
toestanden, gewoonten enz. heeft vergaard, zal hem eens van
pas komen.

(Vaandrager, Beknopte Opsporingsleer)

And a "ready made" send in by Guillaume Zonderland from Utrecht,

Kom, we doen de gordijnen dicht,
iedereen kijkt naar binnen.

And one more from Vaandrager:

Een Wolkenformatie
die ik dreigend zou kunnen noemen.
Maar waarom?
De wolkenformatie lijkt op iemand.
Maar dat is tijdelijk.
Het is eigenlijk al (5.32 uur) over.
Zo gaat dat met wolkenformaties

(Vaandrager, Konigin Van De Maas)


The wisdom of
                             _   _                              
  __ _ _ __ __ _  ___  ___  | |_| |__   ___                     
 / _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \/ __| | __| '_ \ / _ \  
| (_| | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ | |_| | | |  __/                    
 \__,_|_|  \__, |\___/|___/  \__|_| |_|\___|                    
                                            _            _     _
 ___  ___  _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __    __| |_ __ _   _(_) __| |
/ __|/ _ \| '__/ __/ _ \ '__/ _ \ '__|  / _` | '__| | | | |/ _` |

\__ \ (_) | | | (_|  __/ | |  __/ |    | (_| | |  | |_| | | (_| |
|___/\___/|_|  \___\___|_|  \___|_|     \__,_|_|   \__,_|_|\__,_|

                ______________    ____    
          _____/              \__/    \___   __________  |||_______
      ___/                                \             |  |
     /                  .   '        .     \       ____ |  |
    /    __          .           .          \     |--  \|  |
   /    |  | _--__--       o  o .  ____ __________|_/  |  |
  /     | _   _   _ |            o  --\|                  |
      |_   _      |                  |___-------|       |
/       | _     || _|                             |        |
        |   _  _  _ |                             |         |
        | _     _   |                             |         |
        |    _   _  |                             |          |
        |           |                             |___________|

Ancient Celtic Forest Fruit Yoghurt Elixer

The ancient druids would carry baskets of fruit onto mount snowdonia, let
them freeze and return them to make an ancient celtic magical frozen
yoghurt icecream concoction.

What you need:
Frozen forest fruits (Cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, red
currants etc.etc.etc.)
Any kind of natural (greek) yoghurt
Almond Flakes, or walnuts or something like that.

Just dump the frozen forestfruits in a mixer (not an audio one but a
food one in the kitchen), be sure its still frozen, maybe let them defrost
for 5 - 10 minutes just to take the cold edge off.
If you are lazy or dont' have one you can just use a fork or something
to crush the half frozen fruit (Maybe let it defrost a little bit longer
when doing this).
Dump the yoghurt in the mixer and mix it all together until its smooth
Throw some almond flakes on it and your are ready! No need to add sugar
the fruits are sweet enough already.

Argos the Sorcerer Druid


     _               _                               _  __        
 ___| |__   __ _  __| | _____      __ __      _____ | |/ _|       

/ __| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / \ \ /\ / / _ \| | |_        
\__ \ | | | (_| | (_| | (_) \ V  V /   \ V  V / (_) | |  _| 
|___/_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/     \_/\_/ \___/|_|_|         
                            _   _                                 
 ___ _ __   __ _  ___ ___  | |_(_)_ __ ___   ___  
/ __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \ | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \                 
\__ \ |_) | (_| | (_|  __/ | |_| | | | | | |  __/ 
|___/ .__/ \__,_|\___\___|  \__|_|_| |_| |_|\___|                 
     _  _             _        _                  _    _ _     _  
  __| |(_)  _ __ ___ (_)_  __ | |_ _ __ __ _  ___| | _| (_)___| |_

 / _` || | | '_ ` _ \| \ \/ / | __| '__/ _` |/ __| |/ / | / __| __|
| (_| || | | | | | | | |>  <  | |_| | | (_| | (__|   <| | \__ \ |_

 \__,_|/ | |_| |_| |_|_/_/\_\  \__|_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\_|_|___/\__|

Shadow Wolf Cyberzine Ambient Mix by Smackos & Voltagio
You can listen and download the mix here:

The Future - Cairo
Nomad Ninja - Wild Strawberries

Voltagio - Jupiter 8 pad

Meredith Monk - Travel Song

J.D. Emmanuel - Infinity

Mixtur Trautonium Test

Pauline Anna Strom - Trans Millenium Consort

Rain Shadow Desert

Autechre - Nine

Constance Demby - At Alaron

Nomad Ninja - Waldorf Plant Psychiatrist

Occult Orientated Crime - Japanese Trains

Smackos - Yamaha CS30 RPG Folkjazz

Mindsearch's Revenge - Ordovicium

Unknown Nightwind

Satomi Tamiyama - Shimane Dreams, Foxes and Secret Squirrels.

Phochos - Frimaire

Isao Tomita - Footprints In The Snow

Voltagio - Casio CK500 demonstration

The Future - Last Man On Earth
David Toop Max Eastly - Buried Dreams

 ___ _ __ ___   __ _  ___| | _____  ___              
/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / _ \/ __| 
\__ \ | | | | | (_| | (__|   < (_) \__ \             
|___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\___/|___/             
 _                         _        _   _            
| |_ __ _ _ __   ___   ___| |_ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __ 

| __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ / __| __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
| || (_| | |_) |  __/ \__ \ || (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
 \__\__,_| .__/ \___| |___/\__\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

                                   _     _           
 _   _ ___  ___ _ __    __ _ _   _(_) __| | ___  
| | | / __|/ _ \ '__|  / _` | | | | |/ _` |/ _ \     
| |_| \__ \  __/ |    | (_| | |_| | | (_| |  __/     
 \__,_|___/\___|_|     \__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|\___|     
       /                                              /|
      /                                              / |
     /                                              /  |
    /______________________________________________/   |       /\
   |      ______________         _____  _____      |   |      /  \    /
   |     |   ________   |       | \   ||  /  |     |   |     /    \  /
   |     |  |  ----  |  |  . .  |__\__||_/___|     |   |    /      \/
   |     |  | o    o |  |                          |   |___/
   |     |  |________|  |  o   o   o o    o o   o  |   /
   |     |______________|                          |  /
   |      __ __ __ __ __         o   o    o  o     | /


SMACKOS TAPE STATION is an Effectsrack for Ableton version 9.0 and up.
It simulates a wooley cassette tape sound recording on a rather smugdey
headed cassettedeck from c.a. 1981.

Download the SMACKOS TAPE STATION from
drag the SMACKOS TAPE STATION.adg into the Ableton channel you want to
use it on. It can be used on both MIDI or Audio tracks.

Now use the following functions to alter the sound:

HOT = more extreme input level. On mid to high levels it will overdrive
and distort certain harmonics.

HEAD ALLIGN = alters the phase response of the recorded signal.

TAPE SPEED = Changes the tape speed, on high levels there is more high
frequency response, on mid to lower levels the sound gets more smothered,
losing stridulous high frequencies and making everything sound more warmer
and woolier.

BIAS = Fequency response and distortion control for optimal balance
between linear and nonlinear magnetization

TAPE NOISE = The amount of Tape Noise. Set -Inf DB for no noise

NOISE FILTER = Sets the harshness of the Noise. High Mid to lower levels
will result in a warmer softer less noticable tape noise that will be
percieved unconsciously.

PITCH WOBBLE = Simulates the mechanical imperfectness of the tapedeck's
engine. Also Known as Wow & Flutter. Creates minute variations in the
playback frequency resulting in a warbled sound. Adds emotional content
to the overall sound. Animates the boundaries of the sounds, less
distinction between solitary sounds. 

TAPE PHAT: controls the tape compression fatness. simulates the
saturation of magnetic particles, resulting in a complex compression of
source material. Creates a broader energetic frequency spectrum. More
low end and a more brighter, yet soothing, high frequency response.


Make the Smackos Tape Station sound even more dynamic by recording knob
movements of the tape speed, BIAS, Noise Level/filter and Pitch Wobble
in the track's automation. Especially tiny changes in the warble can have
a great effect in the high frequencies.

Try the SMACKOS TAPE STATION on an auxillery Return track. When you send
a signal through this return track the sound will be more "phase-like"
and you achieve control over the effect amount with this "improvised
dry/wet" signal.

Use the HOT parameter with caution, most of the time TAPE PHAT will give
more then enough power.

Put it after (or for) a delay effect like the Ableton Simple delay for a
Tape echo simulation. Be sure to push the Pitch Wobble in the highs and
the tape speed medium!

Why not put 2 SMACKOS TAPE STATION fx in serial for even more extreme
tape sound? Its free after all so use as many as you want!!! Imagine
the wow & flutter with 2 different parallel speeds...or 3 or more!

SMACKOS TAPE STATION sounds good all kind of sounds! Use it to "master"
whole tracks, fatten drums, warm up vocals, smooth harsh high frequencies
etc.etc.etc. The possibilities are endless!



      _     _                              
 _ __(_)___(_)_ __   __ _   ___ _   _ _ __ 

| '__| / __| | '_ \ / _` | / __| | | | '_ \
| |  | \__ \ | | | | (_| | \__ \ |_| | | | |
|_|  |_|___/_|_| |_|\__, | |___/\__,_|_| |_|

 ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___  ___             ___  ____
/ __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \/ __|            
\__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | \__ \      
|___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|___/                      ____  ____
     |___/                                                     \/

        |     ::::::::::::::::::::::::              ====
      '''    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::           ========
   :  ''' '' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::       ================
 .... ''' ''  ::::::::::::::::::::::::    =======================
 .... ''' ''    ::::::::::::::::::::   ==============================
 .... ''' ''      ::::::::::::::::  ======================================
 _______======       :::::::::::  ============================================

          .                    .                   .                  .          .
                   |                                           |            .

             .     |    .  | == . | == . |    |         | ==   |
                   |       | | |  | | |  |= | |||   | | | ||   |      .      

      .            |       | . .  | | .  |  | |..   | . | || |||
                   |       | | |  | . |  |  . |||   . | | ..   |
                   |       |      |      |    |         |      |        .
          .        |       | ==   | ==   | == | == = =  |      |

                   | | ||  | || ||| || ||||| || |||| |  | |||| |               .
  .            .   | . []  | .. |.| |. ..||. .| .|.| | .... |
                   | |     | || .|| .| |||.| || |.|. |  | |||| |     .

                   |       |      |      |    |         |      |
      .            |  O    | - - -|- -  -|--- | - - - - |- -   |               .

                .  |                            HEMA odyssey   |        .
                   |  _______________________________________  |

    .              | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |                
                   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |       .       
        .          | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |     .         .

   .                            .                         .                .

              .            .                      .                     .     .


And as a final thought for this issue...
  ___ ___  ___ _ __ ___   ___    _ __ (_) ___

 / __/ _ \/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _ \  | '_ \| |/ _ \      .     .
| (_| (_) \__ \ | | | | | (_) | | |_) | |  __/   .    .
 \___\___/|___/_| |_| |_|\___/  | .__/|_|\___|
                                |_|               .
          _  __                            .     
 ___  ___| |/ _|    
    .      .                       
/ __|/ _ \ | |_      .            .   .        .
\__ \  __/ |  _|                             
|___/\___|_|_|                   .            
 _                                 _         
| |__  _   _ _ __  _ __   ___  ___(_)___   
-_   \      |      /  _-
| '_ \| | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| / __|           _________
| | | | |_| | |_) | | | | (_) \__ \ \__ \    ___---    /\    ---___
|_| |_|\__, | .__/|_| |_|\___/|___/_|___/      ---___  \/   ___---
       |___/|_|                                      ------

Trip out with this illusionary mind trick or be amazed how flat
matter breaks the bounderies of its dimension and escapes into
our space time continuum !!!!!
Or is it...the more sinister other way around?!!!!?!?!?!?


Scroll down the picture below so the middle white line of the
green "copper"bar will be sort of in the middlish of your
screen, but be sure there is some space above and below the
"object" that is equal in size.

Stare at the white line of the green copperbar intensily for
a few minutes or as long as it needs. At a certain moment it
will seem like the rectangular "object" morphs into a kind
pie-piece  (would be KIWI-lime with blueberry glace topping)
and transcends the screen..

    .                 .                 .           
                                .                 .        .
           .          .            .                   .  

  .            .             .     .      .              .

        .             .  
                      .              .
                  .                    .             .
   .                          #####
                            #########        .

        .                ##############                    .





 .           .                         .                      .       
        .                      .                        . 

                     .                      .                .

      .                      .                      .

  .                                     .                     .
               .                .                      .       .

       .                  .                  .               .
