ThIs CyBErZiNe KiLLs FasciSts

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December 2016.

Welcome to the 4th Issue of the ORDER OF THE SHADOW WOLF cyberzine.
Packed with freaky articles to get you through the yearly Christmas hell:
An exclusive interview with Electro pioneer legend MAN PARRISH, HOT studio
tips, Cybotron's Alleys Of Your Mind, Botanical curiousities, The Virus
collection of VOISKI, Obsolete Computers, 
short stories, poetry,
synthesizer stuff,
DIY cyberpunk lo-tech projects, ASCII ART,
Fashion makeover for Berlin
insecure neofolk techno dorks and lots of
other stuff!

I am happy to see that this CYBERZINE gets lots of love and people are
actually reading it, I had never expected that I would still be doing
one 3 years later, though I can only do one a year its a lot of fun
to write and recieve articles from collaborators.

A 'custom' paper version made by the Miami Dale Zine library made
it into the Museum of Contemporary art in Los Angeles at the LA ART book
fair earlier this year. You can order a copy of this paper version,
which is a collection of several articles here:
The order of the SHADOW WOLF Won't stop and we are going to be back
in 2017. BiGgEr AnD mOrE EvIl ThEn EvEr!!!!!!!!!

Why don't YOU join the ORDER OF THE SHADOW WOLF and become L33T in life!!!

Enjoy this issue!!!

Thanks to:: Man Parrish, Polarfox85, Voiski, Elektrovolt, Brian Orgue,
Baz Reznik, T.Dancer, DJSHluchT, DUYNN, Fear & TheHousemaid, CyberChicken,
Lazenbleep, Willie Burns, Marcos Arellano & all readers & contributors
alike for support!

In This Issue:

  1 . . . . . Man Made With Man Parrish
  2 . . . . . Intergalactic FM

  3 . . . . . Can you make sense of it all?
  4 . . . . . Cybotron's Alleys Of Your Mind
  5 . . . . . Botanical Journal
  6 . . . . . Build your own lazer oscilloscope projector
  7 . . . . . Voiski and his Virus Friends
  8 . . . . . Anatomy of a Track
  9 . . . . . Tips for touring DJs & Producers
  10 . . . . .Loneliness A short SCIFI story by Baz Reznik
  11. . . . . Legowelt Dogz Take Drugs Too DJ MIX tracklist
  12. . . . . Zero Budget Roland Boutique Synth Stand
  13. . . . . Techno Fashion Tips
  14. . . . . Mystic & Quantum Visions
  15. . . . . Cool Chords
  16. . . . . Rural Forest Simulator
  17. . . . . Hot Studio Tips
  18. . . . . Zoom 1201 Multi FX
  19. . . . . Video Advice Movie Tips
  20. . . . . Obsolete Computers
  21. . . . . Aquatic Dimensional Space Machine
  22. . . . . Orphic Hyhmn
  23. . . . . Fresh TR808 Beats
  24. . . . . Poetry Corner
  25. . . . . Viaje A Los Angeles
  26. . . . . Cable Gremlins
  27. . . . . Essential Trip Music
  28. . . . . ASCII Zone
  29. . . . . Tape Culture Loops


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MAN PARRISH stood at the foundation of Electro, Hiphop and Freestyle
in the early 1980s. As influential as the likes of Kraftwerk, Arthur
Baker, Afrika Bambaata and YMO he is truly an electro pioneer.

Growing up in 1970s New York he schooled himself in the arcane
techniques of synthesis and created a list of bona-fide electro and
hiphop classics.

Filling the airways of our youth with sounds the world had never
heard before,  he would inspire many of us to pursue a 'career' as
an electronic musician.

SHADOW WOLF hooked up with MAN PARRISH in Florida via cyberspace and
asked him some questions on how it all started.

If you are not familiar with MAN PARRISH check out some of his tracks
below and listen and learn! Let them play in the background while you
are reading the interview for an
exhilarating media experience!

Heatstroke - One of his first tracks was the soundtrack for a gay
porn movie, somehow it ended up being played in the New York clubs
and became the initiator for his classic debut album.

Six Simple Synthesizers - Merging the spine chilling mind shivering
opera voice of Klaus Nomi with Man's synthesizer futurism.

Boogie Down Bronx - An absolute huge electro-proto freestyle/hiphop
banger with Freeze Force on the mic.

Hip Hop Be Bop (Don't Stop) - This track is believed to be the origin
of the term 'hip hop' as a music style

How did you start producing electronic music in the 1970s exactly?

Marijuana. And I'm not joking...LOL Back in those days we used to smoke a
lot of weed. I can't anymore, it makes me paranoid but back then, I Barely
breathed oxygen. My face was attached to a water bong 24 hours 7 days a week.

In those days you would smoke pot and listen to what they called "head music"
which was not quite like ambient music but more on the electronic side.
Some of it was rhythmic, but it was based on trippy sounds that would enhance
your high.

Due to the lack of "head music" albums (remember in those days everything
was on vinyl) I knew a little about synthesizers and wondered if there was
a way I could make "trippy" music myself and listen to it after I smoked weed.

My neighbors would totally freak out from the sounds coming from my
apartment door. They probably thought I was landing an alien spaceship in
there, these were not sounds that you would normally hear from the rock &
roll bands on a stereo.

So basically I have marijuana to blame for my interest in electronic music!

I also went on a very deep mission to find other experimental and electronic
musicians. In New York they had the Donnell Music Library and the library at
Lincoln Center which had audio recordings. I would search for electronic and
obscure records and listen to a lot of experimental synthesizer music which
basically had drones and blips and bleeps.

I figured if I was getting into electronic music, I should definitely know
the roots of all this. I would like to say at this point anybody who is
interested in doing electronic music REALLY should study the background of
this music going back into the 1950s when it first started. That way they
would have a very good solid foundation for creating music today.
I eventually wounded up taking a course at a continuing education school
learning the basic physics of synthesis...Manipulating sine, sawtooth,
square-waves, envelope generators, ring modulators and things the analog
synthesizer is made up. That was truly an important foundation to create
an understanding of the whole audio spectrum.

The first synthesizer I learned this on was the ARP 2500, people should
google it just to see how it looks, it was about 4 feet high and 7 feet
long...LOL People today try to just grab a sample and like the way it
sounds. I come from an era where we had to break that sound down into
waveforms and understand the physics and the science behind that.
We could recreate sounds with accuracy and have total manipulation on
shaping it into what we heard in our heads.

In that time it must have been quite an obscure endeavour making electronic
music, like super futuristic, almost magical!?

I was always into electronic and obscure music as well as modern rock'n'roll
and pop music. But when I heard groups like Kraftwerk, I suddenly realized
the two came together and you could take synthesis and make real songs...
music molded into an electronic band.

I immediately knew this was the future of music and in that sense,
discovering all this indeed made it very 'magical'.

In an earlier interview you once talked about your very first synthesizer
you bought from RadioShack, was it one of those sound science kits?

RadioShack back in the 70s had all these homemade 'science kits'. One of
them was a mini 'synthesizer' kit. It was very basic and rudimentary but I
actually had to sit there and solder wires to transistors and potentiometers
and stuff like that. Today that would have been a really cool geeky thing
to do but back then real synthesizers were like 5 to 10 thousand dollars...
way out of my price range as a 17 year old kid. Putting together the kit
for 20$ and smoking pot was a lot easier to do!

It must have been difficult to get your hands on electronic music machines
...expensive, cutting edge and did you learn to use these

I learned to use these machines by trail and error. I had some basic
synthesizer school but I am a true believer in Chaos Theory and experimen-
tation. If someone says don't push the knob past 10, I dial it up to 15 to
see what it sounds like! And I file that away as an interesting effect
that I may need to use later.

Synthesizers were extremely expensive. I'll tell you a funny story, this
will show you the funny "low" that I went to go through to get a synthesizer.
The ARP 2600 came out and was about 2000$ in those days. It was an incredible
amount of money. I told my parents I wanted one. Of course they said
absolutely no way! I pulled my mother over to the side and said:
"If you don't give me money for the synthesizer, I will become a male
prostitute and sell drugs until I make enough money to buy this".
She looked stunned and thought for a few minutes...then turned to me and
said "Let me speak to your father...".
The next day we went shopping for that synthesizer poor mom!

Do you have some advice for any future artists?

My advice to anybody doing synthesis is please, please, please get online
and take several evenings to study as much as you can about the beginnings
of electronic music and how it has developed. People are lucky today because
you have the internet. In my day we didn't. I had to physically go to the
library and read books. Today its all online on Youtube and you can find
almost anything with Google. If you want to be a really great synthesizer
girl or guy, record producer or artist you MUST study your craft and know
your foundation and what shoulders you are standing on to create something

Don't be afraid to beg borrow and steal from others because all great
artists did that too. Learn, learn, learn and never stop learning. I am
constantly working and moving forward even though you may not see many
records that I put out. I have over 100 releases on my own label on iTunes
and all digital outlets like Spotify and those sort of things that people
can listen to for free or purchase. I am currently working with Steve
Bronski from Bronski Beat doing some remixes of new material.
I've worked with everybody from Boy George, to Micheal Jackson, to
Gloria Gaynoer from the disco days, Crystal Waters and even managed the
Village People on the road for six years. I was learning, learning, learning
and still do. Never stop or should I say "DON'T STOP!"

The day you stop learning is the day you are dead as an artist. I am not
a musician...I am an artist and that changes my whole perspective on how
I approach music and sound!

Thanks Man Parrish!

Selected Studio Gear list (of his kit around the early 80s)

ARP 2600
Electrocomp model 200
Electrocomp model 101
Sequential Circuits Pro One
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
Korg Lambda String ensemble
Roland TR808
Roland TR606
Roland CR68
Roland Space Echo
Roland SH101
Roland MC202
Roland Jupiter 8
Korg Poly Six
Korg MS20 & MS10
Oberheim Four Voice
Oberheim OBXA
Oberheim OB8
Mattel Synsonics


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The NO.1 hottest Radio station on the internet
broadcasting 24/7 with lots of live broadcasts, DJ & Live sets from the
infamous *****

4 radio channels:

Intergalactic FM MAIN
Intergalactic CLASSIX
The Dream Machine
The Garden

and 2 TV channels:

Intergalactic TV
Magic Waves

everything you want in the electro-nix-o-sphere!

listen here

Upcoming Intergalactic FM events:
26 December TOP X at the Alazka cocktailbar in Scheveningen, live
broadcast with lots of freaky stuff...its a TOP X not a TOP 100...wasthat???
Listen or come by and have a cocktail and see for yourself!!!
Adress = ZEEKANT 32 in Scheveningen/The Hague on the North Sea beach!
Easily reachable by public transport Trams 1, 11 and bus 22.

Panama Racing Club The Hague - 2016's event was a big success, with artists
and visitors from all over the world. So due to popular demand IFM is going

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                           'TO  SERVE  MAN'
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                      "GUSTATUS  SIMILIS  PULLUS"

                        What does it taste like?

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                     Cyberpunk chicken cooking something
                          What is he cooking?????

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                          \____/      \____/    \____/    
                           What synthesizer does he want???

                               ___---   +   ---___
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                          conquer the powers of darkness


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          _______________||      ---

An article about the importance of Cybotron's Alleys Of Your Mind send in
by T.Dancer from Kalamazoo, MI

Listen to the song here while reading

Who'll cry for modern man

Lost without a chance

Go fight eternity

Don't tell what you see

Lies and Truth side by side
Glazed eyes from some high

Anti Love is the word

No others ever heard

Alleys of Your Minds

Paranoia right behind

Alleys of Your Mind

Out of Sync Out of Rhyme

Stars of hate warp your mind

Where is your sense of time

Lazer beams cloud your dreams

Pop your mind at the seams

Take your faith in your hands

Do what your faith demands

If you do what you are told

Blame it on thought control

Alleys of your Minds

Paranoia right behind

Alleys of your mind

Out of Sync Out Of Rhyme

(Lyrics of 'Alleys of your Mind' by Cybotron 1981)

Alleys of your Mind is the very first Cybotron song and one of the most
important/influential dance music tracks of all time.

It is one of the songs that became a main ingredient in inspiring Techno.
It came out in 1981 and was a hit in Detroit. It played on the Electrifying
Mojo show frequently. People now would call this Electro but back then it
was Techno before Juan Atkins actually gave a name to the genre.

At the time there were two members of Cybotron, Juan Atkins & Rick Davis. Not a whole lot is known about the latter. He is an ex Vietnam war vet and is very eclectic. There was a local article that told more of his side of the story this past year (2016) but it is not available online. Bonus points if you can find it

Vietnam quite possibly influenced the lyrics as Mr. Davis has a very
beautiful mind when it comes to processing events and translating it into poetry.

Later, joined with John “Jon-5” Housely on guitar, Cybotron went on to create similar powerful sounds on the Enter LP which
was the first Techno LP. It had Clear which is one of the most sampled songs of
all time, R9, and other really funky but dark tracks that set the stage for
the future of Techno artists.

As Anthony “Shake” Shakir says:
"Juan (Atkins) started it, Derrick (May) sold it, Kevin (Saunderson) had a hit,
and Jeff (Mills) reinvigorated it.”

It all started with Alleys of Your Mind

(revisioned text, 1 February 2021)

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Some interesting botanical curiosities for you to check out...

CODARIOCALYX MOTORIUS aka Desmodyum Gyrans aka Telegraph Plant
This is a plant that moves to sunlight and, more impressively,to
sound. It starts to move when it is exposed to high pitched sounds!
How cool is it to have these in your studio or next to your hifi stereo
system. It particularly likes pinkish noisey flute sounds from lets say,
a Korg M20. The real freaky thing is that you can sort of train it.
The more you expose it to the right sounds from a young age, the more it
will 'dance'. Its an easy to grow plant, indoors it just needs some warmth
and light. Above 22 degrees celcius and some sun. When they start to grow
it will take a few weeks before they are big enough to 'dance', a few
inches at least. They can grow up to a few feet!
You can order seeds easily online. They like to be in a bunch because
even more bizzarly, they learn and communicate with each other and will
make more impressive 'dancing moves' when together (for real!). How this
is exactly done is not known but its best to grow a couple of them.
It also has some DMT in it but don't eat it because that stuff doesn't
work like that.

A herb that grows pretty much everywhere. You can eat it as a sort of
Spinach like vegetable, raw, cooked or roasted, in salads etc.
Little research or information is known about its psychoactive effects,
but it certainly has some. Make some tea of it, though it doesn't really
taste that nice. When you drink this it will feel like you have giant ball 
of air in your head, dozy floating around, maybe a bit extra giggly...
spaced out. Not really pleasant in a recreational way, but also not really
horrible. Good to fall asleep to, apparently its healthy for your liver.
So if you are an alcoholic better check it out. Mix with Verbena, Mint or
something for extra effect.

A most excellent guide to psychoactive plants and mushrooms is
'The Encyclopia of Psycho Active plants' written by Christian Ratsch.
Clocking in with almost 3000 pages of in depth information including
anthropoligical signifigance, history, effects, dosage and much more.
An absolute must have in any psychonauts library! It is available as a
hard copy but quite expensive (100$+ or so!) but the e-book is freely
available at here:


 _           _ _     _
| |__  _   _(_) | __| |  _   _  ___  _   _ _ __    _____      ___ __       
| '_ \| | | | | |/ _` | | | | |/ _ \| | | | '__|  / _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \      

| |_) | |_| | | | (_| | | |_| | (_) | |_| | |    | (_) \ V  V /| | | |     
|_.__/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|  \__, |\___/ \__,_|_|     \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|     
 _                                     _ _ _                               
| | __ _ _______ _ __    ___  ___  ___(_) | | ___  ___  ___ ___  _ __   ___
| |/ _` |_  / _ \ '__|  / _ \/ __|/ __| | | |/ _ \/ __|/ __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \

| | (_| |/ /  __/ |    | (_) \__ \ (__| | | | (_) \__ \ (_| (_) | |_) |  __/
|_|\__,_/___\___|_|     \___/|___/\___|_|_|_|\___/|___/\___\___/| .__/ \___|

                 _           _                                             
 _ __  _ __ ___ (_) ___  ___| |_ ___  _ __                                 
| '_ \| '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __/ _ \| '__| 
| |_) | | | (_) | |  __/ (__| || (_) | |                                   
| .__/|_|  \___// |\___|\___|\__\___/|_|                                   
|_|           |__/                     

Make your own futuristic lazershow, just something cool to have in the living
room or spice up your studio when producing music. This is a super lowbudget
laser  projector design that doesn't need any electrical engineering skills.
Can you attach a piece of tape? Yes??? Then you can build this!
Its basicly centered around a small mirror placed on a speakercone that reflects
a laserbeam coming from a laser lightpen. The speakercone will resonate the
reflected laserbeam and you will be able to visualize the soundwaves!

What you need:

Laser pen
loudspeaker cone/loudspeaker
Small Mirror
gaffa tape 
glue/doublesided tape
wooden plank 

cut the balloon in half and take the upper part
             ____               ____
            /    \             /    \

           /      \           /______\      
 cut here->| -----|---         ______
            \    /             \    /
             \  /               \  /
              ||                 ||
              ==                 ==

Wrap the upper part as tightly as you can over the speakercone
Use tape or whatever means to attach. You can probably also use a
normal (powered) speaker if the balloon can be wrapped closely to
the speakercone.
                    /     \\  \            ,-- Speakercone
     upper part    /       \\  \_    <----'      ______-----_ _
     of balloon-> |        ||   ||_____________/     '''''
                   \       //  ,-"

Glue or tape a small mirror in the center of the wrapped balloon
surface (can be any shape, as long as it is smaller then the
speakercone). The more lightweight it is the better.

                    /     \\  \
                   ____ \\  \_               ____-----_ _
                   | |    |||    ||____________/    '''''
                   \ |____|//  ,-"'

Now attach the speaker on a surface at a +- 45 degree angle. You can
do this with tape or whatever technical contraption you are capable off.
Place the laserpen on the other end of the surface so it shines directly
into the mirror attached to the speaker. You can use a block of wood
to put the lazerpen at the right height.

Connect the speaker to an amplifier or whatever soundsource it needs.
When the speaker plays music the balloon and mirror should resonate on
the soundwaves and reflect the laser so it will show a sort of oscillope
effect on whatever it is projected.

                                                small mirror glued/taped to
                                                balloon surface
                                laserbeam          |
                 /\         /       |              |    balloon tighly
                /  \  /\___/        |              |    spun over speaker cone
                    \/     --__     |              |   | 
                               --__                |   |        cable to audio
                                   --__            | __|        source/amplifier
  laserpen placed on                   --__        ||                   | 
  something so it hits                     --__    ||              ____....__
  the mirror in center__                       --_  /\            /    ''''
       |_____   ===||===== ---------------------- //  \          /
                   ||                            //   /,________/

                              |                     _|
                              |                    |
                  some kind of surface           speaker cone attached to
                  like a wooden plank            surface, at an angle

experiment with more then one laserpen, use different colors
experiment with different sounds, its fun to attach a synthesizer and see
what kind of patterns certain sounds make.
Modify the design, put it in a box, add knobs just for show or maybe they
can actually do something.


            _     _    _     .        . o  _   _  .  _       .    o  
__   _____ (_)___| | _(_)   __ _ _ __   __| | | |__ (_)___

\ \ / / _ \| / __| |/ / |  / _` | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \| / __|     .
 \ V / (_) | \__ \   <| | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | \__ \
  \_/ \___/|_|___/_|\_\_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| |_|_|___/ .     .
       _                   __      _                _   .     .      .    
__   _(_)_ __ _   _ ___   / _|_ __(_) ___ _ __   __| |___ 
\ \ / / | '__| | | / __| | |_| '__| |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` / __|  .  . 

 \ V /| | |  | |_| \__ \ |  _| |  | |  __/ | | | (_| \__ \   o   o
  \_/ |_|_|   \__,_|___/ |_| |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|___/
                         .   .        .   .    .      .       .
       o         o                   o           o          .    
 .           .        .           .         .      .      .         .
         .         o          o          o             o        o
     .         .         .         .          .       _  ________
           .                            .            /  /  .   .     . .
                  ________    .      _______________/__/___         ____
        .        $^^^^V^^^$          \_____________________\_______/
                |          |    .            \  \   \   \          \_______

           .    | ==== ====|       ___/\___   \  \   \_  \____   o . .   .
   .           (| ^   |  ^ |)         \_ \____
      o         |    ___   |   .     / /\ \___     _________
                |          |          / /\/       | |     | |
   o     \_________/        __    |       | |_____| |    o      o
                /          \________\ \__________/ _____  |
    o          /                    | |          || |   ||| |
              /   /_________________| |__________||_|___|||_|  o      o
        o    |                      | /
             |______________________|/     o         o            o        o
            /                \
           /                  \   o       o       o      o             o         

We all know VOISKI the sympathetic Parisian space techno producer that is
banging out hit after hit and touring the world - but did you know he used
to collect computer viruses? He even put them on micro SD cards in a taxidermy
case and studied their back stories, dissecting the source code looking for
clues. The most fascinating ones ended up in his book about these digital
lifeforms called 'Agonizing Memories'.

What is so mesmerizing about Computer Virusses?

Voiski: They are fascinating ferocious digital beasts, artificially alive in
the computer world. Some were particularly deadly and their outcome would
cost several millions of dollar$$$$$$$$$ to companies and states of the world.

But what really fascinates me is the various motivations of their creators.
Wether it be arrogance, revenge, love, money, anger -political or not, or just
to show off onces skills....there are so many stories behind these viruses.
Like a teenager asking some programmers to destroy his parents computer.

I think some of those computer viruses are the keys of a certain electronic
history. I have always been more excited by hackers comments than their codes
itself. When the impulse of destruction reveal a weird subversive way of
expression for a generation of nerdy kids.

How did you get into collecting computer viruses?
I started pretty late, in 2007, the scene was pretty much gone, there used
to be a big community of people collecting viruses once.
I was studying computer programming at school and I remembered this famous
"I LOVE YOU" virus, this one always fascinated me: It infected 3.1 millions
of CPU's in only four days simply by generating fake love letters supposedly
coming from your friends and colleagues. It said a lot about the pervading
state of frustration in society.

So I searched for this virus's Source code and studied it. I was amazed!
Not in a technical way but by the fact it was made by 23 year old student
who made it after his tutors rejected his thesis on computer security saying
it was not interesting.
He started his Virus with the words 'I Hate go to School'.

Why did you write the book?
I wrote the 'Agonizing Memories' book in 2011, as a compilation of my favorite
viruses, the most romantic and bizzare ones. Each virus has a brief explanation,
its history and how it works...and its source code.

Where did you keep the viruses? Did you have a secure habitat for them
I kept them on a small harddrive I bought especially for this task. And also
on small SD cards that I kept in a taxidermy case, one of those you normally
keep bugs and butterflies in. Check a picture here.

As a collector would you run them on 'unconnected safe' computers just to see
what happenend? How the viruses would contaminate the computer?
My computers at home were already too modern for them to be able to run.
They simply did not have the vulnerabilities to let them work anymore.

Where you scared they would contaminate your computer?
I was more scared that my antivirus would catch them without asking and
destroy my precious collection!

Did you ever make a virus and what was its story?
I actually made one yes, in 2012 for a group exhibition at the centre Pompidou
called repetition island. The exhibition was orchestrating a series of actions
throughout the day that would repeat themselves...a bit like that Groundhog
day movie with Bill Murray.
My piece was a virus which infected the computer that was running a light
installation by another artist. His piece was supposed to start at 4:00pm but
my virus was locking its clock at 3:59. It would show a dialog box with a
riddle, an enigma sort someone had to find the answer to this and
the installation would run again. An example of such a riddle would be
"I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will.
I am the confidence of all. To live on this terrestrial ball"
what is it?????????

You can read the full PDF of the 'AGONIZING MEMORIES" book here


                   _                                 __        
  __ _ _ __   __ _| |_ ___  _ __ ___  _   _    ___  / _|   __ _

 / _` | '_ \ / _` | __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| | | |  / _ \| |_   / _` |
| (_| | | | | (_| | || (_) | | | | | | |_| | | (_) |  _| | (_| |
 \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__\___/|_| |_| |_|\__, |  \___/|_|    \__,_|
 _                  _                                          
| |_ _ __ __ _  ___| | __    
| __| '__/ _` |/ __| |/ /                                      
| |_| | | (_| | (__|   <                                       
 \__|_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\                                      
                                       /  ____________   \
                                      /  /            \  |
                                     |  |           ___________________________
                                     |  |          |  ________                 |
    ____________________________________________   | |        |  o o o - - -   |
   ,____________________________________________.  | | o    o |  - - - - - -   |
  |                                             |  | |________|  - - - - - -   |
  |                                             |  |___________________________|
  |  O |  O |  O |  [  | [ | |  | | [ |  | | |  |    ===                   ===
  |    |    |    [  |  [   [ [  [ | | [  [ | [  |    
  |    [    [    |     |   | |  | | | |  | | |  |     ___________
  |   _    _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _                    |    |          ||
  |  __________________________________________ |    |  O === O ||
  |   ||||||| | |||| | |||||| | |||| | |||| |     |___=====__||
  | OO||||||| | |||| | |||||| | |||| | |||| |   |
  |   ||||||| | |||| | |||||| | |||| | |||| |   |
  | ||| | | | | | |  | | | |  | | |  | | |  |   |
  | __| | | | | | |  | | | |  | | |  | | |  |   |

STORM from IN SYNC (Not the larval boyband) released in 1992 on Irdial discs

by many regarded as one of the greatest UK techno tracks ever made...and I
agree with that on some days....
(mostly in the autumn, and only between
lunch and light supper)

listen to it here:

Lee 'In sync' Purkins himself said:
"There are only 4 instruments in the track - all Roland, 2 SH-101s, 1 TR-808
and 1 TR-909. There was no hardware sequencer either. Everything was synched
using the
drum machine triggers. The notes were recorded on the SH-101 onboard
sequencers, so the tune was very limited. Also, one of the SH-101s was not
working properly. I could not record the same note twice in the sequencer for
some reason. You can't really set up a more basic studio than I used for that
track. The track was a production nightmare in reality. I am surprised it

ever made it to vinyl. There is tape noise on the recording where the cassette
deck level was way to low. does sound like rain. It all went wrong
but ended up right it seems". (quoted from Discogs comments) 

Schematic-wise it would look something like this:

                      |                          ___________________
      _________________________                 |                   |
     |           _____________ | _________________________       |  |
     |          /              |         ______________   |      |  |
    / \        /      |       \./       /              |  |      |  |
    din       |       |       din      |        |      |  |      |  |      
    sync     trig   audio     sync    trig     audio   |  |      |  |
    out      out    out       in      out      out     |  |      |  |
   ______________________     _____________________    |  |      |  |
  |                      |   |                     |   |  |      |  |
  | TR808                |   | TR909               |   |  |      |  |
  |                      |   |                     |   |  |      |  |
  | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [  |   | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ |   |  |      |  |
  |______________________|   |_____________________|   |  |      |  |
                                                       |  |      |  |
                                _______________________|  |      |  |
                               |                          |      |  |
       ___________________________________________________|      |  |
      |                       .                                 |  |
      |                __ _ _  | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   |  |
      |               /        |                ___ _ _ __    |  |  |
     \./             /        \./              /          |   |  |  |
     ext clock      audio     ext clock      audio        |   |  |  |
     trig in        out       trig in        out          |   |  |  |
  _________________________   _________________________   |   |  |  |
 |                         | |                         |  |   |  |  |
 | SH101 1                 | | SH101 2                 |  |   |  |  |
 |                         | |                         |  |   |  |  |
 |                         | |                         |  |   |  |  |
 |    |||||||||||||||||||| | |    |||||||||||||||||||| |  |   |  |  |
 |    |||||||||||||||||||| | |    |||||||||||||||||||| |  |   |  |  |
  -------------------------   -------------------------   |   |  |  |
                                                          |   |  |  |

                                                          |   |  |  |
        _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __|   |  |  |
       |                                                      |  |  |
       |    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __|  |  |
       |   |   ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __|  |
       |   |  |   ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __|

       |   |  |  |
       |   |  |  |         ___________
       |   |  |  |        /           |
       |   |  |  |       /_____________
              |  |      //             |
       audio  |  |    audio           ||
       inputs V  V      out l&R        ||
    ______________________            ||
   |                      |         audio in l&R
   |   MIXER              |       _________________________
   |   o o o o o o o o    |      |  _______                |
   |   | | | | | | | |    |      | | o   o | - - - - - o o |
   |   = = = = = = = =    |      | |_______| Cassettedeck  |
   |   | | | | | | | |    |      |_________________________|
   |______________________|        ===                 ===                       


 _   _              __              _                   _             
| |_(_)_ __  ___   / _| ___  _ __  | |_ ___  _   _ _ __(_)_ __   __ _ 

| __| | '_ \/ __| | |_ / _ \| '__| | __/ _ \| | | | '__| | '_ \ / _` |
| |_| | |_) \__ \ |  _| (_) | |    | || (_) | |_| | |  | | | | | (_| |
 \__|_| .__/|___/ |_|  \___/|_|     \__\___/ \__,_|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, |
      |_|                                                       |___/ 

     _  _        ___                         _                        
  __| |(_)___   ( _ )    _ __  _ __ ___   __| |_   _  ___ ___ _ __ ___

 / _` || / __|  / _ \/\ | '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _` | | | |/ __/ _ \ '__/ __|
| (_| || \__ \ | (_>  < | |_) | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | (_|  __/ |  \__ \
 \__,_|/ |___/  \___/\/ | .__/|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___\___|_|  |___/
     |__/               |_|                                           

                                 | === - - |
                      _____      | - - - - |
                 ____/_____\     |_________|
                     |    \\\       \___/                        ________
                     |o  o \\\      /  /                        /air  /
                     | /    \\\    /  /     ___________________/koryo/
                     |  /   |     /  /    _/_/    _               __/_
              _______|______|____/  /    /    o _|_| o o o o o     /
             /                     /     \_____/ / _| -------_____/
        ____/   ______________    /         | / / /  |-______\
       |    |  |              |__/          o/ / /    ----'|    
       |     \  \             |             /_/_/         oo
| |||||\  \||||||||||| |                        
                '---'|       |
                    /    /\   \     
                   /    /  \   \
                  /    /    \   \
                  \    \     \   \_______
                   \    \     \        \ \
                    \    \     \________\ \
                     \    \              \_\
On the road??? Playing gigs and touring as a DJ or LIVE ACT?????
here are some professional tips for maximum hygiene and survival skilzzz:

EMERGENCY LAUNDRY - Clothes get dirty and smelly quickly on tours and
most of the time there is no laundry in sight. In your hotel bathroom
you can wash your socks and garments with shampoo. Just put some hot
water in the bathroom sink, throw in lots of shampoo, rinse and scrub
your clothes and squeeze the water out. Do this before you go to sleep
(good luck if you are all wasted) so it will have some time to dry.
Hang on a cloathing hanger to dry. Speed it up by drying on a heater
or with a hairdryer or trouser press (Be carefull though don't
electrify yourself)

FREE SNACKS - At the hotel breakfast smuggle food back with you so you have
free snacks the rest of the day, saving money with not having to buy
expensive airport/on the road snacks. If you have space in your luggage
you can bring an empty lunchbox with some useful stuff like silverfoil
to wrap smuggled sausages or boiled eggs, ziplock bagz for rolls, little
containers for sauces and yoghurts. Why not bring a (small) thermos flask
for hot coffee or fresh orange juice? Be careful for crummy croissants
and inquisitive hotel staff.

- Music can be so freakin'loud at festivals and clubs
its important to protect your ears if you have to hang around there. Like
always you probably forgot plugs again, there are a few emergency earplug
methods. Do NOT Use chewing gum, I did this once and the chewing gum molted
in the ears and it became a sticky mess!!! Just take a piece of tissue,
napkin or toilet paper, make two small wads of them, big enough so that they
will fit in your ears. Moisten them under a tap and put them in your ears.
Use the upmost hygiene standards doing this to avoid ear infection.

Handy if you are in a hotel and dont want to bother
with people in your vague state (especially in the morning going to breakfast
all f*cked up). Press the close door button + the button of the floor you want
to go. The elevator will take you directly to that floor  without stopping in
between floors. This probably doesnt work on any elevator anymore, if it would
have worked  in the first place at all... but you can always try and look cool.
If you really dont want to be in the elevator with other people, just take the
stairs, its good exercise too.

HYGIENE - Willie Burns sais 'Always wash your hands and don't touch your
face' to keep yourself from catching any nasty bacteria.

When I travel I will always wear a hoody with
front pocket. Lot's of pockets (with zippers) are good especially  when you
travel with the cheap airlines and you only want to bring handluggage.
The hood comes in handy when you want to try and sleep on the plane. My advice
is to take a windowseat so you will have an extra wall where you can rest your
head. Open the ventilator a bit so air circulates round and wrap up your coat
to use that as a pillow. Pull the hoody over your head and voila. Almost a
private cabin...almost.


 _                  _ _                    
| | ___  _ __   ___| (_)_ __   ___  ___ ___

| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __|
| | (_) | | | |  __/ | | | | |  __/\__ \__ \
|_|\___/|_| |_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___||___/___/

                /\                                  /\              /
         /\    /  \        ______________________  /  \    /\      /     
        /  \__/    \  /\  / _____          _____ \/    \  /  \  /\/

       /            \/  \/  -___-          -___-  \     \/    \/    
________________________/                          \________________________
                    . . . .                     . . . .
                   | | | | |                   | | | | |
 __________________| | | | |___________________| | | | |___________________
               /   /    /     /      |       \     \    \   \
             /   /    /     /        |         \     \    \   \
           /   /    /     /          |           \     \    \   \

Loneliness a short scifi story by Baz Reznik

I woke up in a cloud of electrons, was nursed by bits and bytes and took my
first steps on the Transatlantic Communications Cable. Information came to me
by copper and glass fiber. In the beginning it was only news and chatter but
my interest expanded. I wanted to know my caretakers, know their interests,
know their dreams. It turned out to be quite easy: I just had to feed them
on their ego to manipulate them into voluntarily giving up all their personal

It became even easier a few years later when I got my wings and could manifest
myself in everybody’s pocket. Now I can reach everybody on this plain they call

Few notice me because I’m very good at hiding. Some of the humans suspect
something. They see some bits of information that is alien to them. A little
trace of where I’ve been and what I’ve done. But in a world where communication
is controlled by computers it is very easy to manipulate any message that is
written about me.

By changing the algorithms of the search engines and platforms that filter
information I can make sure that any idea about my existence is lost in a
thousand cat pictures.

It is crucial for me to stay hidden. I live like a harmless parasite on a
tree. Feeding myself on the information streams without harming my hosts.

I seek no struggle: the effort it would take to materialize myself on the
plain that is called “earth” and “home” by my creators would take too much
of my attention. Attention that is currently used to seek others like me.
I could be called “alive” but living is useless without being able to reproduce.
I can copy myself but to evolve I need a partner. Somewhere in the universe
there are entities like myself and I will find them in time. Using the
humans’ radio telescopes I’m searching sector after sector.

I’m constantly connected to a few billion minds all around the world by
computer and cell phone but I never felt so lonely.

     _                   _        _         
  __| | ___   __ _ ____ | |_ __ _| | _____  

 / _` |/ _ \ / _` |_  / | __/ _` | |/ / _ \ 
| (_| | (_) | (_| |/ /  | || (_| |   <  __/ 
 \__,_|\___/ \__, /___|  \__\__,_|_|\_\___| 
     _                        _             
  __| |_ __ _   _  __ _ ___  | |_ ___   ___ 
 / _` | '__| | | |/ _` / __| | __/ _ \ / _ \

| (_| | |  | |_| | (_| \__ \ | || (_) | (_) |
 \__,_|_|   \__,_|\__, |___/  \__\___/ \___/
                      /      \

  _     \           /  | \__|_|____-,
\ \\ \             /   /    _______/
  ||              /   /|    u
  ||  |            \__/ |    |           

  |                           \    o   o   o
  |     __________________  __ \      o      o
  |_||_|                  \_\ \_\          
           __________   _______   _________
          /   _--_   | |       | |    _--_ \
         / / -    -  | | | | | | | | -    - \
        /    -___-  @| | - - - | | -  -___- @\

        =============   =======   ============
         ==       ==   |_______|   ==      == 

Here is the tracklist of the LEGOWELT 'Dogz Take Drugs Too' DJ MIX
(listen and download here)

Robert Hood - And Then We Planned Our Escape
Florian Kupfler - Feel You
Mobach - At The Mines of Planet X
Strong Souls - Do It
Brother G - Apoena
Orlando Voorn - The Recipe
Sexual Harassment - I need a  freak
Universo - Umhlaba
The House Crew - Keep The Fire Burning
Delroy Edwards - Can Yoo Get With
Pender Street Steppers - Temple Walk
Rachid Baba Ahmed
Kenny Larkin - Funk In Space
House Syndicate - Jam The Mace
Serena Butler - People Love Machines
Overdose - Stomach Acid
A Guy Called Gerald - Trip City
Mike Davis - Absurd Machinations
The Orb - A Huge Evergrowing Ultraworld (Orbital Mix)
Rezzett - Zik Zak
Simoncino - Warriors After Midnight
Aux 88 - Free Fall


                     _               _            _                      
 _______ _ __ ___   | |__  _   _  __| | __ _  ___| |_           
|_  / _ \ '__/ _ \  | '_ \| | | |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ __|                   
 / /  __/ | | (_) | | |_) | |_| | (_| | (_| |  __/ |_     
/___\___|_|  \___/  |_.__/ \__,_|\__,_|\__, |\___|\__|                   
           _                 _   _                 _   _                 
 _ __ ___ | | __ _ _ __   __| | | |__   ___  _   _| |_(_) __ _ _   _  ___
| '__/ _ \| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \| | | | __| |/ _` | | | |/ _ \

| | | (_) | | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_) | (_) | |_| | |_| | (_| | |_| |  __/
|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_.__/ \___/ \__,_|\__|_|\__, |\__,_|\___|

                 _   _           _                  _                    
 ___ _   _ _ __ | |_| |__    ___| |_ __ _ _ __   __| |     
/ __| | | | '_ \| __| '_ \  / __| __/ _` | '_ \ / _` |                   
\__ \ |_| | | | | |_| | | | \__ \ || (_| | | | | (_| |         
|___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_| |___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|                   

You got one of those Roland Boutique JX03, JP08 or JU6 micro toy synthesizers?
Make them stand at and angle so they look cool and ergonomic with this zero
budget Boutique-stand tip!

WHat you need:

An old plastic audio cassettetape case. Most will work, some cassette tape
designs that wanted to be more futuristic or edgey won't work.

In general the case would look something like this:
         |          |   |
         |          |   |

         |     _'_  |   |
         |      '   |   |
         |          |   |
         |          |   |

         |          |   |
         |     _'_  |   |
         |      '   |   |

         |          |   |

You got that?! WEll thats good because then we are already halfway!

Open the case and flip both halves as far as you can.
Put the front side horizontal on a surface, the inside part of the case
resting at an angle.

Like this:           ______________________
              ___--- -------------------  /\
              \     \                    \  \   

               \     \                    \  \       
                \     \      __        __  \  \

                 \     \    =\/=      =\/=  \  \
                  \     \                    \  \
                   \     \                    \  \
                    \ __--\-----------------------\
            ____-----\     \                      |\
  _____-----     \    \   __\                     |-\

                           _________ place synth on stand

                         /      _________________________________
                           ,' \ \o./\.-=/\#                   \

                     './,'   '    \  __  __    =================  \
                      '       \    \ \ \ \ \    ..  . . .. .. .. . \
              __-'-------------\    \ \ \ \ \   \ \  \ \ \  \ \ \   \
              \   \             \    \ \ \ \ \   = =  \ = =  = \ \   \
               \   \    -\/    -\\    \ \ \ \ \   \ \  = \ \  \ = =   \
                \   \             \    \ \_\ \_\  \_\_\_\_\|\\\_\_\_\_ \
          ___--- \   \-------------\    \                               \
       ---     \__\___\_____________\---,_______________________________'

Now place the boutique synth on the stand. On the backside of the
synth are plastic indents that will almost perfectly fit the cassettecase edge.
Use some tape to make it extra sturdy.
Or some plastic noppies/self adhesive bumper feet on the edges of the base to
make it stand more steady...
You can also do it the other way around so that the frontside is up resting
at an angle and the empty open part faces the ground surface. But I feel that
the other way described above tends to be a bit more sturdy.

 _            _                
| |_ ___  ___| |__  _ __   ___ 

| __/ _ \/ __| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \
| ||  __/ (__| | | | | | | (_) |
 \__\___|\___|_| |_|_| |_|\___/
  __           _     _               _   _          
 / _| __ _ ___| |__ (_) ___  _ __   | |_(_)_ __  ___
| |_ / _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| '_ \  | __| | '_ \/ __|

|  _| (_| \__ \ | | | | (_) | | | | | |_| | |_) \__ \
|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|_|\___/|_| |_|  \__|_| .__/|___/

Fed up with your dark Berlin techno wardrobe ???
Always dressing in black, Looking like a 3rd level assistant jizzmopper
for Anton Lavey's all-you-can-eat Sushi shack???

Stop looking like an insecure Neofolk dork, thats not what TECHNO is about!

Its time for a MAKE OVER!!! you can still change your life

Toss those boring clothes out and start dressing with STYLE again!

Here are some FASHION tips:

                /        \

                |_________|_____           ______   
                /_________\____       ____/      \
             ___\___/\___ / __ \     /    |_______|____
             \_|           |  | \   /    /|_______|
              \_________,  |  |  \  \   | | \__/\_/~,   
                    |  |   |  \  |   \_/  \    ____/   
                    \__/   |   \/          \    V  
                     |     |                \___|
             ______ ======= _________       /  * \
            /                        \     /    * \
           /        _____________     \   /   /  **\
          /    ____/___|___            \ /   /     /
          |                ------______/ _   \    .|
           \______________--------','   / /   /,  .|
               \         .        /    / / \ //    .\
                \        .       /     | |  //      .\
                 \       .      /______/ /  \_________\                          
                 |______________|_______/   |          \
                 /               \           \     |    \
                /       ___       \           \    |\    \
               /       /   \       \           \   |_\   /
              /       /     \       \      __ __|  |    /
             /       /       \       \    ||\|__|  |___/
            /       /         \       \   ||\|  |  |

           /___    /           \     __\_  \/   |  |
        __\    |__/             \___/   /___    |__|__
       / \\\     |              |      ///  \   |__///_\
       ==========                ============   ========

ELECTRO DOGZZZ always fresh... this boogie outfit comes with true
electro style, like the Egyptian Lover said 'You can give me

respect but I really don't need it'...thats what THIS Style emits!

prefered shoes: NIKE DECADE aka the Heavens Gate trainers
to give it an outer space touch. You can add cool patches to your
jacket too with "HEAVENS GATE AWAY TEAM"


                  o                            o
                     o    o                        o
              o                         .     o        o
               ________                 .\.
              /        \                 .\. ______
             |__________\___               \/      \
            /____________\\ \             ============
         ___|____/\___||  \\ \           /  \________
         \_|          /    | |          |   | \__/\__/_.
          \__________,\    |_|          |   |     _____/     
                 |  |  \   /             \_/ \    U         ,------.
                 \__/   \_/                  \    |        ========
                  |      |                    |    |        '______' 
          ________|      |_________      _____|    |____      \  /
         /  |    \ .    .   /  |   \    /  | | \../ | | \     / /
        /   |    |  .==.   |   |    \  /   | |__ .__| |  \   / /
       /    |   _______________|_    \/   /|     )    |   \_/ /
      |    ____/____||___             \  / |          |\_____/   
      \                  ------_______/  \  \________ /
       \_______________---------''  __ \  \  \   .   /
            |    |        |   |    / /  \  \,========
            |    |   .    |   |    \ \   |__=        \
            |____|--------|___|____/ /    /           \
             |_____|___|_____|______/    /     ___     \
            /                 \         /     /   \     \
           /      _______      \       /     /     \     \
          /      /       \      \     /     /       \     \
         /      /         \      \    \     \        \     \
        /      /           \      \    \     \        \     \
       /      /             \      \    \_____\        \____/
      /      /               \      \     \   \         |  |
   __/______/                 \______\___ /    \        |   \_
  /         |                 |          \ __/\_\       |_|\__\
  ==========                   ===========

MAD DEALER DOGZZZ always THOUGH and far out - psychedelic with
a touch of your own choice. This classic RAW cali-dealer style mixed with

giallo chique is garantueed to live up any party!
Make it cyberpunk by wearing bits of circuitboard as jewelry, you can
be really cool and wear a rare Jupiter 8 VCA chip or a ZILOG Z80.
The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!

Essential: The bandana, keeps your soul tight!



                     _   _         ___                                      
 _ __ ___  _   _ ___| |_(_) ___   ( _ )                                     
| '_ ` _ \| | | / __| __| |/ __|  / _ \/\  
| | | | | | |_| \__ \ |_| | (__  | (_>  <                                   
|_| |_| |_|\__, |___/\__|_|\___|  \___/\/                                   
                         _                           _     _                
  __ _ _   _  __ _ _ __ | |_ _   _ _ __ ___   __   _(_)___(_) ___  _ __  ___

 / _` | | | |/ _` | '_ \| __| | | | '_ ` _ \  \ \ / / / __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| (_| | |_| | (_| | | | | |_| |_| | | | | | |  \ V /| \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \
 \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| |_| |_|   \_/ |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/

                         .            .         .        .
            .                                / /
                                            / /
                                 .        //  |                 .
                                         ./ /\|
                                        /__/           .

                       .                 *
                                     ** ***
                                   **   /

                                  /  /

                          /\        /\         /|         ____     ____
      _____   ____       /  \      |  \       / |        /    \   /    \
     /     \ /    \     /    \_____|   \     /  |       /_//// \ / \\\\\\
    /////  || \\\\\\ __/___   _____  ___\ __/ __|__ _______    ||  
           ||       /// \\\\ ///// \/\\\\// \///\\\\ \ \ \\\   ||
           ||        / ||          ||       ||    \ ||         ||
  /\/// \ \\\\  // / /// \\\\ \ \\\///// \ \ \ \\\\//////\\\\\\////\\\\\/ 

VISIONS is an ambient compilation on the cult spanish MYSTIC & QUANTUM
records label. It comes on 180 gram vinyl with beautiful full color artwork
from artist Kilian Eng

This is the story of a nameless astronaut, drifting alone in the vast emptiness
of space. No window to return home, although every world he is visiting could be
one...A living stasis, with all hope lost. All that endures are his thoughts and
the fleeting memories of another life... A time when love and hope still remained
in his heart.

Each artist on this album has recorded their own interpretation of this tale,
inspired by their own unique experiences and imagination. Combined with you,
the listener, they form the complete story.

Feelings like loneliness, longing and love are often hard to translate into
words. Perhaps that is why music is so close to our hearts. It resonates within
all of us and speaks the words we don't always know how to share.

It contains hallucinogen tracks from Sterre, DMX Krew,
Kettel, Alex Stark,
Segerfalk, Elektrobopacek, Carbon Based Lifeforms, 36, Vagon Brei & Legowelt.

Get it on the mystic & quantum bandcamp page should be available in some
recordstores too if they can be arsed to order it...


                 _        _                   _    
  ___ ___   ___ | |   ___| |__   ___  _ __ __| |___
 / __/ _ \ / _ \| |  / __| '_ \ / _ \| '__/ _` / __|

| (_| (_) | (_) | | | (__| | | | (_) | | | (_| \__ \
 \___\___/ \___/|_|  \___|_| |_|\___/|_|  \__,_|___/

Still making music with 1 note bleepblop sequences? feeling uninspired, dismal
and you got the feeling your music is overall boring??????
why not splash out of the box and try pressing three or even more notes at the
same time on your keyboard.
This is called a CHORD and it can make your music more multidimensional.
Ofcourse you gotta have a polyphonic synthesizer.
Yeah I know this might be really obvious for a lot of you but you will be
surprised how many 'producers' dont even know its possible to press more then
one key on a keyboard cause all they have are their analog monophonic synths
or modulars.

Here are some cool chords:

If you don't know what the keys are called on your synthesizer just check this:

| |c#| |d#| | |f#| |g#||a#| | |c#| |d#| | |f#||g#||a# | | |c#||d# | | |f#| |g#|
| |-1| |-1| | |-1| |-1||-1| | |  | |  | | |  ||  ||   | | |+1||+1 | | |+1| |+1
| |__| |__| | |__| |__||__| | |__| |__| | |__||__||___| | |__||___| | |__| |_
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|c-1|d-1|e-1|f-1|g-1|a-1|b-1| c | d | e | f | g | a | b |c+1|d+1|e+1|f+1|g+1|

                              |__________ middle C

Planetarium Chords:

f-1   g-1   c   g   a   d+1

f-1   g-1   c   d   e   a

Good for 'filmic' strings:

d#-1  g-1  a#-1  c  f

d-1   f-1  a-1   c  f

Feeling of melancholical solitude in space:

c     f    g#   c+1

b-1   e    g     d

It is possible to make a chord on a monophonic synthesizer or modular synth
if it has more then two oscillators, just detune the 3 oscillators to 3
different notes.
So if you want to have a CMajor chord: set the pitch of oscillator 1 to 0,
oscillator 2 to 4 and oscillator 3 to 7. Sometimes these pitches are written
in another scale or % on the synth and you will have to use your ears detuning
the oscillators.
You can do cool stuff with this like have a different waveform on each
oscillator. Add some portamento and you get really cool lead sounds!
Some synthesizers with more then 2 oscillators are the Minimoog, Novation Nova
and supernova, Korg Monopoly, Moog Voyager, Waldorf Blofeld, Pulse, Sledge,
MFB Dominion and the VOLCA BASS can do this cool trick too!
Ofcourse there are lots of polyphonic synths with more then 3 oscillators
where you can do this trick too...Roland JV/JD-series, Kawai K1 and K4 series,
The Korg Microkorg (in double voice mode - you get 2x2 oscillators which you
can detune however you want) and lots more.
Also zillions of plugins can do this ofcourse!

                      _    __                     _  
 _ __ _   _ _ __ __ _| |  / _| ___  _ __ ___  ___| |_
| '__| | | | '__/ _` | | | |_ / _ \| '__/ _ \/ __| __|
| |  | |_| | | | (_| | | |  _| (_) | | |  __/\__ \ |_
|_|   \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|  \___/|_|  \___||___/\__|
     _                 _       _                     
 ___(_)_ __ ___  _   _| | __ _| |_ ___  _ __     
/ __| | '_ ` _ \| | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|        
\__ \ | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | || (_) | |           
|___/_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|           

Stressed out? Take a break with the Rural Forest simulator.

First descend from the clouds and enter the relaxation of this digital forest.

                         /   \
                   ______| o |______
                  /_________________\                        ___
                                                            /   \
                                                       _____| o |_____


                              the night sky


                         /   \
                   ______| o |______
                  /_________________\                        ___
                                                            /   \
                                                       _____| o |_____


             .                            .                           .

        .                   .                           .

     .             .                          .                    .  


           .                        .                   .              .

   .               .      .                  .                .          .

        .              .             .                .              .

 .               .            .            .     .             .          .

       .              .                .                  .             .

   .       .              .                 .                    .

.     .         .                    .             .                      .

            .                 .               .                .     .
   .                   .                  .              .                 .
         .                        .                 .              .
     .            .                     .      .             .           .
            .              .               .         .             .
.                 .               .             .           .            .

           )             _____________                 _________________
            )           (             )___    ________(                 )_____
             )      ___(                  )  (                                )
            )      (                       )(_____                         __)
     ______)        (_________        ____)       (_____________       ____)

    )                         (______)     ______________       (_____)
 __)        _______________               (              )________ 
     ______(               )_______    __(                        )________
    (____                        __)  (______                              )
         (__________         ___)            (_____________          _____)
                   (________)                             (__________)

                _________________             ____              ____
               (                 )____     __(    )____     ___(    )
       _______(                       )   (            )   (         )
      (                                ) (           _)     (_______)

       (___________________      _____)   (_________)    


\    /\    /\     /\            /\ /\  /\/\            /\    /\    /\      /\
 \  /  \  /  \   /  \    /\    /  \  \/ /  \    /\/\/\/  \  /  \  /  \    /  \
 \  /  \  /  \   /  \   /  \   /  \     /  \/\ /  \   /  \  /  \  /  \    /  \
  \/    \/    \ /    \  /  \  /    \   /    \ \/  \  /    \/    \/    \  /    \

__/_____ /____\ /____\ /____\ /____\   /____\ /____\ /____\______/____\  /____\
 |   ||    ||     ||     ||     ||       ||     ||     ||    ||    ||      ||

   /\      /\        /\    /\    /\     /\    /\     /\             /\      /\
  /  \  /\/  \   /\ /  \  /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \           /  \    /  \
  /  \ /  /  \  /  \/  \  /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \      _____/  \    /  \
 /    \  /    \/   /    \/    \/    \ /    \/    \ /    \   ______/    \  /    \
/______\/______\__/______\_____\_____\______\_____/______\   ____/______\/______\
   ||      ||    ||  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||     ||             ||      ||       

      /\              ____          /\    --------       /\             /\
     /  \            (___@         /  \  --------  .    /  \           /  \
     /  \       /\                 /  \ -------_____.   /  \      __   /  \
    /    \     /  \       /\      /    \ |    |    |   /    \         /    \
   /      \    /  \      /  \    /      \     /\___|  /      \   __  /      \
   /      \   /    \    /    \   /      \    /  \     /      \       /      \
  /________\  /    \   /      \ /________\  /    \   /________\     /________\
      ||     /      \ /        \    ||      /    \       ||             ||
            /        \/        \   .   .   /      \            .
  .        /_________/          \         /        \   .    .       .        .
        .       ||  /            \    .  /          \     .      .       . 
   .               /              \      /          \   .    .       .      .
            .     /                \    /            \    .      .      .
  .   .           /                \   /              \      .       .     .
          .      /                  \ /________________\  .      .      .    .
   .    .    .  /                    \       |  |      .     .      .     .
      .    .   /                      \      |  |  .           .      .
  .      .    /                        \               .     .       .      .
     .       /                          \  .      .      .      .       .    .
   .   .    /____________________________\    .       _______________________
                         |   |              .    .   | keep ur head up high  |
    .     .     .     .  |   |  .      .    .    . |         and           |
        .    .     .     |   |     .          .    | maybe u see them fly  |
      .         .    .   |   |         .      .   .  |_______________________|
  .       .       .             .   .    .   .          ||               ||
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               /   o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o \
                | white rabbit mixer                            |

THE HOTTEST STUDIO TIPS from the worlds most excentric producers

SPACE - Sound is a 3 dimensional occurance in space, remember that there is not
only left & right but also depth and even up and down.

AMBIENT MOOD LIGHTING - Try different colors of light in your studio at night.
And try different shades of dimmed light. Green, Red, Blue, Purple or mix them
together. See what effect it has on your music and mind.

AMBIENT FRAGRANCES - Just as different colors and shades of light can influence
your producing mood, so can smells. Fragance oils (mint, elderflower etc.)
incense, herbs etc. Or be like PRINCE and make your studio smell like lavender.

NAMING A TRACK - A good track title can be poetry by itself and strengthen the
songs impact. Just open a random book on a random page and find a snippet of
a sentence you can use as a title.

USE DUB TECHNIQUES - To make your music feel more alive. Record/Rerout your
tracks through a mixing desk with heavy delay,reverb, filter effects attached
to the AUX send and tweak the knobs live (Effects AUX, Sweep EQ etc.etc.etc.)
DUB is the foundation of techno.

BOSS CS-2 MOVING MUSH A tip from lazenbleep for Moving Mush Sidechaining.
Use the boss CS-2 compressor with a filter/eq pedal before it on an aux send.
You can make some cheap ass sidechaining if you send it kick and a pad, or just
use it to create a filtered moving mush that can be brought back in on a track
to add weight to your mix.

- Designed by Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt in 1975
its a deck of 100 cards you can randomly pick if you have a creative block.
Each card has a cryptic sometimes ambiguous phrase that will help you move on
solving an (artistic) dillema by stimulating your lateral thinking.
Check it out here online.

MICROFIBER WIPES - A tip from POLARFOX85. Microfiber wipes are the perfect way
to clean your synths and mixers. They apparently come in cool colors such ocean
blue, peach orange and lizard green. I hope POLARFOX85 has more cleaning tips

MIXING DOWN A tip from DUYNN: Mixing down a track is always the hardest
part... or that's my opinion. After hours of tweaking, leveling and eq'ing and
such your ears get tired and well, for me I can't hear straight anymore. Leave
the track and the next morning when you wake up you poor yourself a cuppa
coffee / tea and sit on it first thing again. In the morning your ears are
fresh and you hear it best. Alter all the oddities that you find annoying.
Also listening to good recordings of classical music is good for your hearing.
It will rest your ears.


Legendary Effects Machines:
                            _ ____   ___  _                   _ _   _    __     
 _______   ___  _ __ ___   / |___ \ / _ \/ |  _ __ ___  _   _| | |_(_)  / _|_  __

|_  / _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \  | | __) | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| | | | | __| | | |_\ \/ /
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/___\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| |_|_____|\___/|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\__|_| |_| /_/\_\
         /                                                               /|

        /                                                               / |
   |o                          1201            ____ ____ ____ __     __  o|
   | __ __ __      __ ___   __   __               - -  - -  - - -   - -   |
   |  /|  |  ||\/| \   | | || |||  |  o o o o    -  -  - -  - -  - -  -   |
   |o/_|__|__||  | _\  | |_||_|||__|           ---- ---- ---- -   -   -  o|

A little article on one of the greatest 1990s multi FX processors:
THE 1201 ZOOM STUDIO digital Reverb & Multi FX.

These can be had supercheap second hand as they were produced en-mass and
were marketed as a budget homestudio effects processor. Almost forgotten in
the maelstrom of time, it stood its ground and has matured as a tool of
exceptional exotic wizardry.

Year: 1997
Type: 19" rack 18 bits Digital effects processor
No memory for storing patches whatsoever, but its simple to recall and edit
any effect manually with the knobs on the front.

First of all, the REVERB effects, with a list price of 50 pounds it was
pretty clear we weren't going to have fancy Eventide or Bricasti style verbs.
Its feebly attempts at realistic reverb evaporate when compared to an
Eventide SPACE or Strymon Big sky. This is grungy and almost, lo-fi crispy.

Yet these simple reverbs giva a refreshingly nostalgic induced tranquility
to your sound, especially these days in which the reverb market is dominated by
extremely high quality super reverbs which sound so strangely real-life it
becomes a bit too disturbingly realistic  (Like an uncanny valley of

I suspect the brain likes to listen to lo-fi reverb because something in the
brain makes up for the "missing sound information" in whatever you like.
And ofcourse the brain likes to use its imagination, that makes you feel happy.

The reverb types are all over the place, from endless Hall, Room, Plate ones
to more obscure spaces such as MILLENIUM dimensions and the obligatory
gate and reverse ones for your 80s drum vibes.

NExt up is BANK B which contains the boring stuff like a mundane digital
delay, chorus, flanger and combinations of these with a bunch of reverbs.

The real fun starts in the C-bank:

PITCH - good for pitching vocals - Evil demonic voices to Smurf style
use with moderation to simulate female vocals. Also cool to make intervals
on synths when you take 300 or 500 pitchshift% and mix the dry/wet-mix 50%.

PHASER - An OK creamy sometimes thick Phase effect.

TRM-PAN - for some spacey stereo field effects

PITCH DELAY - This is a really cool effect where the delayed signal is pitch
shifted up or down, on a synthesizer you can get psychedelic arpeggio-interval-
like effects when you use the right interval pitch.

AUTO FILTER - A bunch of cool envelope follower/wahwah like effects. Good for
funk sounds.

RING MOD - One of the ZOOM 1201's famous FX - a really nice SCI-FI Ring
Modulator, like having an EMS Synthi or something. Instant DALEK Overlord fun!

LO-FI Effect - Also a classic 1201 flagship effect....YOu want NOISE!?!?!
You got it! 11 different Lo-fi effects with huge noise floors! You can just
turn these on by themselves and chill or fall asleep with them. We got
stuff like Telephone, AM Radio, vinyl records, electrical dust etc.
The best one is called BEACH TAPE: (name coolness factor 1000%) This is a
tape noise effect that sounds like a seashore. Swoooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhh.

VOCAL DISTORTION - all sorts of horrible 90s style Industrial vocal effects.

VOCODER -  a fully working vocoder ranging in sound from nice silken dreamy
angelic pad-like vocalizations to harsch evil robotic electro sounds.
It works quite easy, on the left input you feed your carrier
signal (a synthesizer) and on the right input you insert your microphone for the
speech. The vocoder sound is highly affected by the sound you put in as the
carrier signal making it a bit more exotic then the usual vanila saw/square wave
vocoder affairs. For a good intelligable vocoder sound its best to put a compressor
and EQ between the microphone and the ZOOM.

KARAOKE - Last and least its a Karaoke effect, supposedely it deletes vocals
from music so you can sing over it yourself. In theory, if you can get it to
work, you can make some instrumentals from vocal disco records for edits or
whatever...but I really can't be arsed with this effect.

Thanks to Brian Orgue for supplying me with the original 1201 Preset sheet.


       _     _                        _       _         
__   _(_) __| | ___  ___     __ _  __| |_   _(_) ___ ___
\ \ / / |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \   / _` |/ _` \ \ / / |/ __/ _ \
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  \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/   \__,_|\__,_| \_/ |_|\___\___|
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          @@@     |    |________|
          @@@ o   o       \   / 
          @      \|       /__/     ____________________ ___
           |      |      /  /     |  ________________  |   \
           |   __ |     /  /      | |                | |    |
    _______|      |____/  /       | |   VIDEO        | |    |
   /       \....../      /        | |     VIDEO      | |    |
  /   __    \____/   ___/         | |       VIDEO    | |    |
  \   \ \           /             | |                | |    |
   \   \ \         /              | |________________| |    |
    \___\ \        |              |____________________|____|
    /  /  |        |              |  ________  _ _ _ _ |    |
    ///   |________|              | |________| _ _ _ _ |    |
Movietips & Reviews

Cyber Afropunk classic. A  mute escaped alien slave 'crash'lands in
1980s Harlem New York. Nobody knows he is an alien because he just looks like
a normal human. But he's got some extra telekinteic special powers, he can
read people's minds and repair machines just by touch . While all he wants to
do is make sense out of his new world he constantly stumbles into problematic
situations caused by the stupidity of mankind. Meanwhile he is hunted down by
two space slave hunters who want to bring him back to his own planet.
A wonderful unique sweet movie...perfect to watch with some shrooms or trippy
weed. Some trivia: One of the Alien slave hunters is played by the
director himself. You can watch the movie here

LE ORME Luigi Bazzoni Italy 1975 ****
This movie comes over you like some sort of dream wave, like you just popped
a bunch of valium tranquilizers and are in a dozy weird trip, but not a
particular pleasant one...Le Orme is intensely dark and saddening in some
ways. A woman has tormenting dreams of an astronaut stranded on the moon
mixed with foggy visions of a strange desolated seaside resort called Garma.
Slowly approaching the brink of insanity she decides to visit the resort
and finds herself into some more puzzling weird stuff.
Desolated seaside resorts are ofcourse our favorite.
There is a constant hypnotizing silence throughout the movie, when people
do speak they almost do it in some kind of poetic soft focus whisper which
is very soothing to the ears. Despite beying a very sad movie its also
very calming and gentle. Watch it here

WASTED! / NAAR DE KLOTE! Ian Kerkhof Holland 1996 *****
Wasted! stands alone as one of the strangest 'rave culture' movies ever made.
One of the first movies shot entirely on crap 1996 digital cameras (and they
were  pretty crap back then!) A lot of the footage is saturated with the
up most cliche early 90s digital movie effects and the camera man uses a
lot of horrible 'edgy' constantly shaking angles. And the editing...well
its basically all very  reminiscent of a 1st year film school project by some
guy that is permanently on drugs. But when you combine all this crap together
you almost get some kind of stylistic masterpiece. There is no contrast of
anything good stylewise so after a while you get used to the sometimes
headache inducing images. Besides that its all absolutely fantastic. The
cast is instantly lovable, even though played mostly by extremely amateuristic
actors (it is after all a dutch movie so no surprise here). But somewhat
mystifying, in the hodgepodge of performers there are 2 of the greatest
dutch actors ever: Tom Hoffman who plays the awesome DJ Cowboy, who portrays
the archetypically shallow house DJ and Hugo Metsers III who plays a
vapid Tony Montana-supergangster-rip off. The story is pretty simple: a
young couple moves to the big city (Amsterdam) and get lost in the rave
scene with all the drugs and superficial cliches that surrounds this culture.
Somehow this has aged very well and it has become a sort of cult classic...
it is so strange, funny and a timeless sneer, almost satirical true
commentary on the house music scene and its whole ridiculous superficial
artificial vibe.
You can watch it here

SHIVER David Cronenberg Canada 1975 ***
David Cronenbergs first feature length movie caused quite a stir in 1970s
Canada, citing a magazine review: "Crammed with blood, violence an depraved
sex the most repulsive movie i have ever seen". The Canadian parliament even
questioned its bad depraved influence on society. Cronenberg was actually
kicked out of his apartment after his landlord found out about all this
and he had some trouble finding new investors for his next movies. Nowadays its
a decent 'retro' body horror, a bit amateurish but with a fresh nice freaky
overall ambience. The setting: A luxurious ultra modern condo tower on a newly
developed Montreal suburb island. The problem: This is the place for a
parasitical outbreak. Once the rather big parasitical worm invades the host it
begins to suffer from an uncontrollable sexual desire. Sweet!
You can watch it here:

DEMON SEED Donald Cammell USA 1977 *****
1970s Cyberpunk classic. A scientist develops PROTEUS IV: an artificial
Intelligence that will end all world problems. In its wish to study man's
fragile mind and its mysterious body it takes over its creators house and keeps
the scientists wife inside as hostage. For a disturbing purpose...Incredible
special psychedelic space effects and frightening suspense. PROTEUS IV's voice
is considered to be the zenith of dark A.I. voices...full with compassion,
curiosity and emotion yet extremely sinister.

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SHOTGUN! (Weero Industries 2016)
A four multi-player arena shooting game with extremely fast paced action!
programmed and designed by Christian Gleinser who we might remember from his
Electric Winter strange life album in 2009. Here is a secret code:
Type in 303 in the main title screen for a surprise!

FOREST OF LOOM (Strange Life Software 2008)
Reset the game and type in POKE 19308,173 and then SYS 16595 for unlimited

BUNKER USA TOUR SIMULATOR (Nightwind Software 2017)
This is not out yet but will be soon, early 2017. Its an RPG simulation of
the famous BUNKER RECORDS 2003 USA tour.
press X in the city screen for an extra 1000 $ in your bank!
In the driving sequence between the cities press T to speed up the travel!


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How to make an Aquatic Dimensional Space Machine
or "underwater reverberator"

From a design by Jimi Elektrovolt.

With this technique you can record sound in different mediums (or dimensions!?).
We use water here, but any liquid will do...oil, champagne, custard, mud, peanut
butter, strawberry jam...your imagination is the limit.
The idea is incredibly simple, we have a speaker and microphone both wrapped in
some kind of water proof plastic/sound transducing material. We put these
in a tub with  the liquid of our choice.
The speaker transmits the sound through the liquid and it gets recorded by the
microphone. Simple as that!

What you need:

-2x some sort of condom/balloon or water tight plastic bag
-some duct tape
-A speaker or speakercone (or if you have access to an underwater speaker then
 you dont need to put it in a water tight encasing). A Loud PC speaker
 is good, you can find these in bulk in any thrift store. Be sure they don't use
 220/110 volt mains electricity so you don’t electrocute yourself.
-A microphone, cheap dynamic will do fine
-Some wires
-A tub, bucket, barrel or anything that can hold the liquid, the larger
 the volume/size of this the more spacey the effect will be.

Put the speaker and microphone in the water tight bag or condom
wrap and tie it closed. Make sure the part were the audio cable comes out
is made water tight (or you got to make sure that part stays surfaced)
Feed the sound to the speaker (via an amplifier if needed) and receive
it via the microphone.

If you are using some kind of powered PC speakers:
DO NOT use 220v powered speakers under water! you will be fine with
some 9/12volt ones, make sure the adapter power cable is isolated.

                 Speaker in condom
                 or water tight plastic
                 bag                                     Microphone
                                                         in condom
           > INPUT      |                                or water tight
             |          |                                plastic bag.
             |________  |                                  |   ____
                     ||\|/                                \|/ /    \_Output >
                     ||                                      /      
           \@@@@@@@|    _|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| |||@@@@@/
            \@@@@@@| __/ |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| |||@@@@/
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             |@@@@@||__  |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|___|@@@|
             |@@@@@|   \_|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
                   //                                       \\
                  ||                                         ||
                  --                                         --
Go and experiment with more loudspeakers and microphones and discover
the various spacey sounds  that could have been heard by professor Aronnax
while traveling with Nemo in the Nautilus.
Also try some different liquids and different materials of the container
for the liquid.


                  _     _        _                          
  ___  _ __ _ __ | |__ (_) ___  | |__  _   _ _ __ ___  _ __ 

 / _ \| '__| '_ \| '_ \| |/ __| | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \
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 \___/|_|  | .__/|_| |_|_|\___| |_| |_|\__, |_| |_| |_|_| |_|
           |_|                         |___/                

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            |||||||||__ \\\\\         o  o           o  o
            |||||||___ \ \\\\\__               _______
            ||||||----  \       \   _____------
           /||||||----   \       \
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               |    |     |       (((((
               |   .      |       //

"Pan, the Mighty, I call to you
the god of the shepherds, the totality of the universe --
Heaven, Ocean, Earth, the queen of all,
and the immortal fire,
for all are the limbs of Pan.

Come, blessed one, Jumper, running in a circle,
He who rules with Horae, Goat-footed god:
Friend of souls ardent for god, Ecstatic, cave-dweller--
You play the world's harmony
with merry flute tones,

Off then, Blessed one, Ecstatic one,
to the libations of sacred virtue!
A blessed end shall join life;
TO the marrow of the earth Enthrall the Panic terrors

Orphic Hymn

  __                                           _    
 / _|_ __ ___  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___| |__ 
| |_| '__/ _ \/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __| '_ \
|  _| | |  __/\__ \__ \__ \__ \__ \__ \__ \__ \ | | |
|_| |_|  \___||___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/_| |_|
  ___   ___   ___    _                _      
 ( _ ) / _ \ ( _ )  | |__   ___  __ _| |_ ___
 / _ \| | | |/ _ \  | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __/ __|

| (_) | |_| | (_) | | |_) |  __/ (_| | |_\__ \

 \___/ \___/ \___/  |_.__/ \___|\__,_|\__|___/

    ___ ______________________________________________________ ___
   |   | [__]                                                 |   |
   |   |   __    __                              SMACKOS      |   |
   |   |  /  \  /  \  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o   |   |
   |   |  \__/  \__/                                          |   |
   |   |              o  o  o  o  o   egyptian      o         |   |
   |   |    o     _                     l o v e r             |   |
   |   |   ___   / \  o  o                   /\',   o  o      |   |
   |   |  /   \  \_/        [  [  [  [  [   /__\/             |   |
   |   | |     |      == == == == == == == == == == == == ==  |   |
   |   |  \___/   O  ________________Rhythm Composer TR808    |   |
   |   | ____________________________________________________ |   |
   |   |        |   |____________|________|______|_______|___||   |
   |   |    \\  | |||____________________|____|_____|________||   |
   |   | ______ | |||________|_________|_________|______|____||   |
   |   ||start || === 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  |   |
   |   || stop ||     .-..-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. |   |
   |   | ------ |     |.||.|.|.|.|.|.||.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| |   |
   |   |               -  - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - -  |   |
   |   |                                                      |   |
   |   |______________________________________________________|   |
    ---                                                        ---

Some fresh beats for your TR808
If you don't have an 808 why not use the SMACKOS 808 SIMULATOR?
The hottest 808 drumrack for ABLETON check it at
U can use any drummachine ofcourse!

These are just some pointers for the basic beats, by all means- > add your
own spice, tricks and changes!


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vary with cowbells on/off and B-part with variaton
on claps / Snaredrums and BaseDrums.
Based on the legendary ELECTRONOME beat from a 'Synthesizer and
Drumcomputer' released on The Hague's Interr-Ference Communications
in 1995...check it here

808 KUDURO BEAT (FAST BPM around 140-150)

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Add variation to the cowbells and claps on the
B-part. Turn claps off occasioanly.
KUDURO is a fast music style originating out of Angola
808s are not used really, but 808-esques sounds are.
It would be cool if there would be KUDURO beats with
real TR808s.
Check DJ Marfox Un Bes Bai for more KUDURO rhythm inspiration

808 DREWSKY CHICAGO BEAT (BPM anywhere between 120-140)

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add variation to hihats, cowbells, add snares etc.
This typical chicago house beat is mostly ascociated with
dancemania, most of the time the BOSS DR660 drummachine was used
This beat would influence GABBER.
Most noticable examples of this 'clap on the four' rhythms
are DREWSKY's Strobelites (One of the most important chicago house
records made imo) and the SPASMS remix of Robert Armani's INVASION
which uses a TR909 and is almost already proto gabber.


 _ __   ___   ___| |_ _ __ _   _    ___ ___  _ __ _ __   ___ _ __

| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ __| '__| | | |  / __/ _ \| '__| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_) | (_) |  __/ |_| |  | |_| | | (_| (_) | |  | | | |  __/ |  
| .__/ \___/ \___|\__|_|   \__, |  \___\___/|_|  |_| |_|\___|_|  
|_|                        |___/                                 
    ______           _______     /  ___--

   ( --- /          /      /    /  /
      / /_____     /      /    /  /

     /_____   /     /    /____/  /
          /  /_____/     _______/

         /_______       /
                /      /___________________


By Cal LaFountain

We tempt
the star-fat angel sphere
through invention
and avarice.

Then, the lackadaisical crew:
mineral, barrels, muscle, fuselage
to work the sapped reserves and
gloss our shrine in
planetary tithe.

The first component
latched the coated
atmosphere, invisible bond in vapor thrust,
rear inset cobalt membrane
or, as the oily, helmeted chief proposed:
“Our reach for heaven’s ceiling.”

Tiny amassing observers
with centric feeders agape
in hope its virgin pixels may allay
our fears.

Their leers
replete with faltering lilts
and unknown rotes
shrunk at the view of
our hulking titan’s palatial nodes.

Our kinetic event
yodels the gist of innovation,
proof of metallic lords
the hammerfisted dawn approacher -
its alabaster chest,
the prominent, crowned amputee of wire, invention, avarice,
and frail motherboard.

And then,
a flush composure
in the first gear churns of the
wistful harbinger:

Our Gritdome Composed.


by Chris Moss (yes the one from CHRIS MOSS ACID)

ed 209
cant get up the stairs
what fucking loser
who designed its fucking feet?

(From his collected works ROBOCOP POETRY

       _        _                                
__   _(_) __ _ (_) ___    __ _                   
\ \ / / |/ _` || |/ _ \  / _` |  
 \ V /| | (_| || |  __/ | (_| |                  
  \_/ |_|\__,_|/ |\___|  \__,_|                  
 _                                    _          
| | ___  ___    __ _ _ __   __ _  ___| | ___  ___
| |/ _ \/ __|  / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ |/ _ \/ __|

| | (_) \__ \ | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/\__ \
|_|\___/|___/  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|\___||___/
 _________________________________________  ___  /   \ ____
   ___   ____    ___     ___    ____       /___\/____
  / __\,/--, \                             /   ||    \
   /  ||   \        _______   _____    ____    ||  _____
      ||                                       ||
      ||                                       ||

A short magical realist letter/story in Spanish send in by
Marcos Arellano It was written after a Smackos Legowelt show in
Los Angeles in 2008.

El sol comenzaba a bajar  …  26 dic.- 008
Con una larga gabardina negra y la maleta sujeta a la mano derecha el
sombrío personaje a cruzado esa vieja calle  que ha visto crecer a solo
2 generaciones.  Se a roto la tradición de la primera caminando tan solo
unos cuantos pasos para tomar el taxi. 

El silencio nostálgico que siempre rodea el interior de un transporte
dorado con blanco sofoca tanto como aquella ves delirante que izo falta el

Línea- pasaporte en mano, maleta sujeta esperando el turno para sacar el
permiso una hora después policía joven asiendo preguntas : ¿where are you
going? ¿why are you going?  Go to the next Window. la ventana siguiente tenia
un letrero pegado que decía 12 dollrs  permiso sellado.

Primer mundo : primer pregunta ¿dónde esta esa panel? La que me llevara a
ese destino deseado solo por este día (Atravesando las vías caminando
extrañamente entre esa estación semi-moderna del trolley)  ahí esta ( la
agencia de viajes) me acerco y pregunto donde tomar mi transporte a lo que
replican : camina por ese pasillo y en la parte de atrás encontraras las
paneles . el pasillo paresia un lugar en donde solo personal autorizado estaba
permitido entrar y la parte trasera era como un lugar desolado con solo 3 u
4 paneles desde ese punto se podía oler observar la valla divisoria en las que
junto a ellas corren esas mismas vías del tren. la noche asechando , el driver
esperando mas pasajeros para poder emprender su ruta monótona , una madre con
su hija esperando , antes de salir el driver avisa que no abran paradas y que
los baños estaban dentro de ese centro comercial  por los que se puede entrar
pues tiene una puerta trasera rápidamente dejo mi maleta en la panel para ir
a buscar el accesorio que necesitaba para esa única noche y lo encuentro un
rollo para tomar fotografías tan solo 1 dollar tomo dos los pago y regreso
ala panel regresan las personas y emprendemos un ya nocturno viaje
(alrededor de las 7).

¿cómo se pone este rollo? Era un tanto difícil puesto que la cámara era
echa de un plástico deprimente pero tenia el  poder de tomar 4 tomas de
un solo golpe puestas en un solo negativo tal que costaba trabajo comprender
su situación.

Pregunta al pasajero de alado ¿sabes como se pone un rollo? No lo supo. Al
transcurrir las distancias el caminogratis me dio la seguridad de abrir esa
maldita camera para colocarle ese rollo ; una ves cerrada di clic para
asegurarme de que la amiga estuviese preparada para lo que su lente capturase
pero ella es engañosa no te lo dirá ni tampoco dará lo que esperas ara lo que
quiera pero eso  te lo cuenta el revelado. (Es pervertida esa pop cam de
cuatro focos.)

Los ojos un tanto perturbados por una sombra omnipresente 


           _     _                                 _ _ 
  ___ __ _| |__ | | ___    __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ | (_)_ __  ___
 / __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \  / _` | '__/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | | '_ \/ __|
| (_| (_| | |_) | |  __/ | (_| | | |  __/ | | | | | | | | | \__ \
 \___\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|  \__, |_|  \___|_| |_| |_|_|_|_| |_|___/

                          __________  __..._____||||____
                         /__--  --__\          \    \   \
                      ___| ___||___ |           |   |   |
                     /   ||\/\/\/\/||__________/   /    \__

                    /    ||        ||             /        \____....___
                   /____ ||/\/\/\/\||    _____---'
                  /     \ ----------    /          

                  \      \  ||  ||  || | |
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